Scoping review protocol of service delivery-related interventions to improve maternal and newborn health in low-income and middle-income countries
11 August 2021
Webinar: The struggles of Community Health Workers at the Covid frontline: Essential but Unrecognised
24 August 20212021 David Sanders Lecture – COVID-19 and Social Justice
You are invited to a Lecture by Ms Sinesipho Jojo: Deputy Chair of the People’s Health Movement
Thursday,19th August 2021 at 17h00 (SAST)
Opening and Welcome: Prof Asha George SARCHI Chair in Health Systems, Complexity and Social Change
Introductory remarks: Dr Sue Fawcus
Lecture/Key note: Dr Sinesipho Jojo Deputy Chair of the People’s Health Movement
“Opportunities not to be missed from COVID-19 for NHI”
Discussant: Dr Saadiq Kariem Deputy Director General: Chief of Operations, Western Cape Department of Health
Audience Q&A
Creative space: Malika Ndlovu Performance Poetry
Vote of thanks: Prof Uta Lehmann Director SOPH
The series honours Emeritus Prof David Sanders’ legacy as founder of the SOPH and recognises his considerable contributions to UWC and to the field of public health, both locally and internationally.
Each year an eminent speaker is invited to engage scholars, practioners, policy makers and activists in contemporary challenges and opportunities for public health research, teaching and practice, brining scientific excellence and implications for political and social action to bear on their chosen issue. In so doing, they will continue
the vigorous, socially engage, scholarly debate and practice that has characterized much of David’s engagement.