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Call for Applications – DSI/NRF SARChI Chair in Health Systems, Complexity and Social Change – Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025 (1 post)
The School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape (SOPH) is seeking to appoint one Postdoctoral Fellow attached to the SARCHI Chair in Health Systems, Complexity and Social Change (Prof Asha George) and her collaborators, beginning as soon as possible in 2025. Please read the eligibility requirements carefully before applying.
GT4Africa Cohort Workshop (9-13 September 2024)
The first in-person GT4Africa cohort workshop deliberated on Research Publications, Knowledge Translation, and Sustainability and collaborated on a forthcoming journal supplement and commentaries.
University of the Western Cape and Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp join forces to improve medicine and vaccine safety in South Africa
The University of the Western Cape (UWC) and the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp, Belgium, are excited to announce the establishment of the Centre of Excellence for Pharmacovigilance in Southern Africa (CEPSA). The Centre focuses on improving the safety of medicines and vaccines. Supported by a recent grant from the European Commission DG International Partnerships (INTPA, in close collaboration with DG Research (RDT), this initiative marks a big step forward in making medicines safer and more accessible across the region.
COPC Workshop report
The Western Cape Department of Health & Wellness together with the UWC and UCT Schools of Public Health recently came together to host a one-day workshop on Community-Oriented Primary Care.
SOPH at HSR: The 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research
Health Systems Global (HSG) organizes a Symposium every two years to bring together its members with the full range of players involved in health systems, policy and research.
Centre of Excellence for Strengthening Health Products Safety Monitoring across Southern African countries (2 posts)
The School of Public Health and School of Pharmacy at the University of the Western Cape (UWC), in partnership with the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium are establishing a cutting-edge Centre of Excellence (CoE).
Toward an ethics of epistemic justice: Research on health disparities related to sexual orientation, gender identity in restrictive settings
The School of Public Health and Women’s and Gender Studies, UWC Jointly invite you to a seminar
The Hidden Dangers of Improper Medication Disposal
The holiday season is approaching and clearing out cupboards and wardrobes is often part of the to-do-list for many. However, many South Africans are unaware of how to dispose of expired or surplus medication properly and are likely to flush it down the toilet.
The University of the Western Cape SOPH hosts delegates The Federal University of Pernambuco
In the month of October, UWC hosted visiting academics from The Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Brazil – Prof Ana Vieira, Dr. Gustavo Gomes, and Prof. Flavia Clemente.
Health Justice is Social Justice – 2024 Annual David Sanders Lecture in Public Health and Social Justice
The University of the Western Cape School of Public Health (UWC-SOPH) and People’s Health Movement for the Annual David Sanders Lecture in Public Health and Social Justice
SOPH, UWC hosted the second peer-to-peer GRIPP learning event
The 2nd peer-to-peer Getting Research Into Policy and Practice (GRIPP) learning event was held in Cape Town from June 24 to 27 2024.
Jakes Gerwel Award in Public Health 2024: Dr Anita Parbhoo
A lecture by Dr Anita Parbhoo, the 2024 Jakes Gerwel Award recipient.
Applications for the SOPH Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health and the Master of Public Health programmes are now open.
APPLICATIONS CLOSE: 30 September 2024
Congratulations to Prof Renier on being appointed as the Deputy President of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa (PSSA)!
We would like to extend our warm congratulations to Associate Professor Renier Coetzee of SOPH- UWC who has been appointed as the Deputy President of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa (PSSA).
FEMINIST FIESTA workshop: Validating African perspectives on gender transformative approaches in health
The three-day validation workshop held in Cape Town from May 8-10, 2024, brought together 20 feminist – researchers, academics, implementers, and activists from 12 countries and 16 institutions in Africa.
TUFH Africa Regional Events: Road to Ubuntu 2024: Community Processes for Local and Global Health Development: Voices of Reason
Online panel conversation on community processes for local and global health and development as part of the TUFH Africa Regional Event: Road to Ubuntu 2024 Conference .
Launch Webinar: Responsive Dialogues For Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance And Enhancing Community Engagement
Please join the launch of the modular Responsive Dialogues Guidelines developed by The School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape in collaboration with ICARS and funded by Wellcome.
Pharmaceutical Public Health
In 2024 we will offer Pharmaceutical Policy and Management and Rational Medicines Use as online semester modules from July-November 2024. These modules may be taken as individual stand-alone modules or as part of the Master of Public Health. The Pharmaceutical Policy and Management Module will introduce participants to pharmaceutical policy and management issues within health systems. It will provide a foundation for pharmaceutical policy analysis, policy development and implementation skills at country and local levels. Selected areas include quality of medical products, pharmaceutical procurement and supply, human resources, and antimicrobials.
Nobel Symposia Series outreach seminar, “Long-term impacts of cash transfer programmes”
Invitation to Public Event | 11 March 2024
SPaRCS Strengthening Clinical Trials Oversight Workshop
The SPARCS Project hosted a workshop to support increased collaboration and networking between national regulatory authorities (NRAs) and national ethical committees (NECs) on the regulation of clinical trials in Southern Africa and identify priority areas for a framework for effective clinical trial oversight in the region.
SPaRCS Pharmacovigilance Systems Strengthening Workshop
The SPaRCS Project hosted a Pharmacovigilance (PV) Systems Strengthening Workshop, 9-11 July 2023 in Windhoek, Namibia. The workshop marked the final in a series of capacity strengthening and mutual learning workshops in the Pharmacovigilance Systems Strengthening thematic area, and was attended by fifteen participants from seven countries (Namibia, South Africa, Eswatini, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia, and Belgium)
Pharmaceutical policies in health systems Course at ITM, Belgium.
Two SOPH staff members, Hazel Bradley and Renier Coetzee, co-facilitates in a 3-week course that equips participants with the tools to understand, analyse and propose strategies for strenghtening pharmaceutical systems and their role in universal health coverage.
Systems strengthening for pharmacovigilance and regulatory oversight in Southern Africa: Reflections on learnings and future possibilities from a participatory action learning project
Invitation to Public Event
Jakes Gerwel Award in Public Health 2023: Dr Landry Tsague Dongmo
Presentation title: “When two pandemics collide, HIV and COVID-19
– A reflection on the future of public health in Africa”
Invitation: Pharmaceutical Public Health Webinar Series
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Pharmaceutical Public Health Webinar Series, where we will be discussing the latest advancements and challenges in promoting global health through the lens of pharmaceutical public health.
Workshop Series on Strengthening Pharmacovigilance Systems
In 2021 the SPARCS Project held a series of three virtual workshops aimed at strengthening the Pharmacovigilance (PV) Systems in the four countries in Southern Africa, based on an assessment of needs.
by Star Khoza, Carnita Ernest and Hazel Bradley
SPaRCS presented its first in-person pilot training to community health workers
Since late 2021 the SPARCS Project has been developing a pilot training for Community Health Workers (CHWs) on Adverse Drug Reactions and Pharmacovigilance
Shifting unequal gender norms and practices: what does it take?
Despite growing recognition, calls for gender transformation are not matched with corresponding rigorous research and learning on what it entails at scale and over time. It is common to come across published papers that merely mention the need for more gender responsive / transformative interventions/approaches but often fall short of articulating, why, how and what is needed to move the needle forward.
The Struggle for Health: 2nd Edition (Oxford University Press, 2023)
At the time of Prof David Sander’s passing, he was working on an updated edition of this influential book, The Struggle for Health:
2023 Annual David Sanders Lecture in Public Health and Social Justice
The University of the Western Cape School of Public Health (UWC-SOPH) and People’s Health Movement for the Annual David Sanders Lecture in Public Health and Social Justice and the launch of the 2nd Edition of ‘The Struggle for Health’
New Partnership with the School of Public Health, UWC to develop responsive Dialogues guidelines for LMICs
ICARS is pleased to announce that we have selected The School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape in South Africa to undertake a new project to develop guidelines to facilitate Responsive Dialogues to tackle AMR in Low-and Middle-Income (LMIC) settings.
Tackling substandard and falsified health products in a post-COVID world: a multidisciplinary challenge grounded in health systems strengthening
You are invited to a lecture and panel discussion
DSI/NRF SARChI Chair in Health Systems, Complexity and Social Change – Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023 – Learning Partnership Project for a Gender Transformative Approach (LP4GT)
The School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape (SOPH), is seeing to appoint a Postdoctoral Fellows attached to the SARCHI Chair in Health Systems, Complexity and Social Change (Prof Asha George) and her collaborators, beginning as soon as possible in 2023.
DSI/NRF SARChI Chair in Health Systems Governance Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023
The School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape (SOPH), is seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Fellow attached to the SARCHI Chair in Health Systems Governance (Prof Helen Schneider), to advance a programme of work.
Jakes Gerwel Award 2022: Thembisile Zungu
A lecture by Thembisile Zungu, the 2022 Jakes Gerwel Award recipient.
Qualitative Evidence Synthesis protocol development
This short course is targeted at a wide range of audiences, e.g. postgraduate students, researchers, health professionals and managers, and other decision-makers
Fragmented maternity protection in South Africa – PhD research coverage in the media
PhD candidate Catherine (Katie) Pereira-Kotze spoke to Tumelo on eNCA on Thursday 21 July 2022, about one of her PhD publications that maps out maternity protection policy in South Africa, that demonstrates the fragmentation in over 20 policy documents available.
Call for Applications: Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022
The Food Environment Research group (a collective from Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, School of Public Health and the DSI/NRF Center of Excellence in Food Security) at the University of the Western Cape under the leadership of Prof Rina Swart is seeking Post-doctoral Research Fellows to work on the PURE and gut-microbiome studies.
Collaborative project on gender transformative approaches to improve sexual, reproductive and maternal health in Africa launched
The School of Public Health recently began work on two exciting aspects of a global research project focusing on gender transformative approaches to improve sexual, reproductive and maternal health in Africa.
UWC 2022 Online Modules in Pharmaceutical Public Health
Accredited Online/Distance Learning Modules (1-semester) in Pharmaceutical Policy & Management, and Rational Medicines Use will be offered at the University of the Western Cape (UWC), South Africa.
SPaRCS team meet in Cape Town
After almost 2 years working together, the SPaRCS team finally met for our first in-person meeting in Cape Town in March 2022
Call for applications Postdoctoral Fellow 2022: The Food Environment Research Group
The Food Environment Research group (a collective from Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, School of Public Health and the DSI/NRF Center of Excellence in Food Security) at the University of the Western Cape under the leadership of Prof Rina Swart is seeking Post-doctoral Research Fellows to work on several studies related to the food environment in South Africa.
Call for Applications: Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022
The School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape seeks to recruit three (3) full-time Postdoctoral Fellows beginning from January 2022.
Call for Applications: Doctoral Scholarship 2022
The School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape seeks to recruit a full-time doctoral candidate from January 2022. The doctoral candidate will be required to register at the University of the Western Cape, and will work on a 3-year project funded by the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC).
Current Thinking and Practice in Health Promotion: Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic
A webinar Series hosted by Dr Anam Nyembezi from the 21st October till the 28th October
What COVID-19 Teaches Us For An NHI That Provides Equitable & Effective Healthcare For Today And Tomorrow
Dr Sinesipho Jojo, Deputy Director of the People’s Health Movement South Africa (PHM-SA), delivered the 2021 David Sanders Lecture in Public Health and Social Justice, speaking about Opportunities not to be missed from COVID-19 for the National Health Initiative (NHI).
Prof Helen Schneider receives the DVC Special Recognition Awards in Research and Innovation
The 2021 virtual Research Recognition Awards celebrated UWC’s achievements and milestones in Research and Innovation.
Participatory systems analysis tools for improved health systems performance.
A webinar Series hosted by Dr Martina Lembani from the 29th September till the 10th November
Jakes Gerwel Award 2021: Sulakshana Nandi
Dr Sulakshana Nandi is from Chhattisgarh State in India, where she is the State Convener of the Public Health Resource Network, a national non-governmental network for research, advocacy and capacity building in public health.
2021 David Sanders Lecture – COVID-19 and Social Justice
Dr Sinesipho Jojo delivers the 2021 David Sanders Lecture
Introduction to rapid reviews and scoping reviews: a 5-part webinar series
The School of Public Health (SOPH) at the University of the Western Cape invites you to a 5-part webinar series introducing rapid reviews and scoping reviews in the field of Public Health and Health Systems research.
Webinar: Universal Health Coverage in India: Critical Areas of Policy Reforms and Research for Better CHW Engagement
Oxfam Policy Management hosted a webinar on ‘Universal Health Coverage in India: Critical Areas of Policy Reforms and Research for Better CHW Engagement’ on 15 July 2021.
Webinar: The struggles of Community Health Workers at the Covid frontline: Essential but Unrecognised
People’s Health Movement (PHM) Health Systems Thematic Circle hosted the webinar on “The struggles of Community Health Workers at the Covid frontline: Essential but Unrecognised” on 20 July 2021.
2021 David Sanders Lecture – COVID-19 and Social Justice
You are invited to a Lecture by Ms Sinesipho Jojo: Deputy Chair of the People’s Health Movement
Meet our graduate: Mamothena Carol Mothupi
I wanted to engage with a comprehensive way of understanding public health problems, and devise new ways to measure performance that enhance the co-accountability of multiple sectors for health outcomes.
Meet our graduate: Mamothena Carol Mothupi
I wanted to engage with a comprehensive way of understanding public health problems, and devise new ways to measure performance that enhance the co-accountability of multiple sectors for health outcomes.
SOPH alumni appointed as the CEO of Red Cross Children’s Hospital
Western Cape Health Department welcomes new Red Cross Children’s Hospital CEO
Report: New UNICEF report with contribution from Marisa Casale and Oluwaseyi Somefun
MIND MATTERS: Lessons from past crises for child and adolescent mental health during COVID-19
Webinar: Organization and Management of service delivery in urban primary health care settings
All three participating countries- Thailand, Brazil and Ghana are exemplars in enabling universal access to primary health care.
Public Health Needs Leaders With Heart – Public Health Leader Juanita O. Arendse Receives Jakes Gerwel Award 2020
“South Africa’s public health system faces a number of challenges – and we need leaders to solve them, not just managers. That’s one of the lessons COVID-19 has helped drive home – and it’s one we all need to learn.”
SOPH alumni appointed as the Superintendent-General
The Eastern Cape Department of Health has appointed seasoned administrator and medical doctor, Rolene Wagner as the new Superintendent-General, effective from August 1 2021.
Call for Applications: Postdoctoral Fellowship 2021
The School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape seeks to recruit a full-time Postdoctoral Fellow beginning from September 2021. The Postdoctoral Fellow will be required to register at the University of the Western Cape, and will work on a 3-year project that aims to strengthen community engagement in public health research in South Africa.
Webinar: Pharmacovigilance and clinical trials oversight in sub-Saharan Africa in the era of COVID-19
Webinar Wednesday, 12 May 2021, 14:00-15:30 South African Standard Time. Keynote speaker: Dr Helen Ndagije (Director: Product Safety, National Drug Authority, Uganda)
Apply now! Online course offerings in Pharmaceutical Public Health
COVID-19 is providing challenges for us all! Pharmacy, Clinical, Laboratory and Public health professionals have been involved in maintaining existing health services, including access to quality pharmaceuticals during the COVID crisis.
Health Policy Analysis for Annual Reviews
In this one-hour webinar, Asha George and Mary Kinney from University of the Western Cape in South Africa provide an overview of health policy analysis.
2023 SOPH Programme Handbook
The Soph Programme handbook provides detailed information about all our academic programmes.
Reimagining health in the Eastern Cape: A dysfunctional public health system is not inevitable
The persistent challenges in public health in the Eastern Cape, highlight the critical role of leadership.
People’s Health Movement Celebrated its 20th Year Anniversary
This year marks 20 years since activists and comrades across the world joined us in the first People’s Health Assembly in Bangladesh in 2000 and the PHM journey began.
The action for reset dialogues: Interview with Asha George
Have countries learned lessons on how to build on communities in dealing with health and social issues?
SOPH colleagues had a productive engagement at HSR2020
Phase one of the 6th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (8 – 12 November 2020) ends on a high.
Asha George, HSG Chair, kicked off the 6th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research
Watch the 30-minute live-streamed HSR2020 launch event that took place on 5 November featuring a welcome from HSG Chair, Asha George, and contributions from Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO Director General), and members past and present of the Emerging Voices for Global Health.
A strong showing from SOPH at the UWC Research and Innovation Award 2020
The COVID-19 outbreak has been a sharp reminder that there are many complex problems facing our society
The SOPH PhD virtual PhD Induction programme ended on a high
Involved 15 new public health PhD students, based in SA, Uganda, Namibia and Kenya; health professionals, managers, academics, UN workers, activists; a mix of part-time and full-time.
Lenses, Metaphors and Research Priorities on Community Health Systems: Workshop Report
This report has been compiled by a group of public health and health system players, engaged in thinking, researching, policy-making and advocacy on community health systems (CHS).
Latest PHM annual report pays warm tribute to David Sanders
This annual report is dedicated to the memory of David Sanders, founding member, inspiration and guide for the Peoples Health Movement.
What lessons to draw from COVID-19 in Cape Town?
As public health researchers and educators in a city currently experiencing a seemingly runaway COVID-19 epidemic, we are increasingly being approached to provide our ‘expert’ opinion on the reasons for this.
New book with contribution from SOPH colleagues out! Health for the People: National Community Health Worker Programs from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe
Reflections on COVID-19 from a health systems perspective: Digest 1 & 2 & 3
In order to support the COVID response across the country, we thought there might be some value in sharing some of the many, many, many blogs and short pieces that present COVID-related experiences that are less well publicized in the mainstream global media.
Statement on COVID-19
In light of the accelerating Corona/COVID-19 crisis, and the announcements made by the president on 15 March
The power of people caring for those affected by Covid-19
Rather than large, sterile and clinical self-isolation centres, let’s imagine for a moment, that everyone who couldn’t self-isolate at home could be accommodated within their neighbourhoods — in an environment that was designed not to transmit Covid-19, while also being familiar, humanised and conducive to social and community bonds.
Warm congratulations to all our graduates!
Congrats to all our graduates – PhD, 16 Masters, and 27 postgraduat diploma.
SOPH Statement on COVID-19
In light of the accelerating Corona/COVID-19 crisis, and the announcements made by the president on 15 March
A new book celebrates David Sanders’ work and legacy
The People’s Health Movement published a new book celebrating David Sanders’ work and legacy.
Drastic action is needed to ensure a better future for South Africa’s children, by Mark Tomlinson, Asha George, Tanya Doherty
2020 SOPH Summer School ended successfully
SOPH hosts its 2020 Summer School, 10th-28th February. Postgraduate students receive introductory blocks for the core study modules as well as a general orientation to academic study, distance learning and information literacy.
Prof David Sanders celebrated in a special issue of Journal Salude em Debate
Emeritus Professor David Sanders celebrated in a special issue of the Brazilian Journal Salude em Debate.
Prof David Sanders’ life and works celebrated at the Prince Mahidol Award Conference 2020
Emeritus Professor David Sanders’ life and works celebrated at the Prince Mahidol Award Conference 2020
Winter School 2020 temporarily suspended
After careful consideration we have had to decide to suspend this year’s winter school programme.
Rebuilding health systems from the bottom up: a South African case study, by Helen Schneider
The recent publication of the National Health Insurance Bill in South Africa has provoked vigorous debate.
Podcast: Advancing health systems for all in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) era
This podcast is with Journal Development and Communications Officer, Natasha Salaria and Professor Asha George – University of the Western Cape and Chair of Board at Health Systems Global.
Jakes Gerwel Award in Public Health 2019 – Mr Siraaj Adams
Mr Siraaj Adams received the 2019 Jakes Gerwel Award! Siraaj delivered a lecture entitled “Transforming Public Health using Digital Health, the journey so far…”.
2019 David Sanders Lecture – Advocate Adila Hassim
Advocate Adila Hassim discussed how we value the life and dignity within and beyond the health system.
Harnessing knowledge for the design and implementation of Universal Health Coverage
The South African Medical Research Council with the National Department of Health, hosted a two-day UHC symposium attended by the National Department of Health, representatives from the SAMRC, health researchers, provincial health departments, international non-governmental organisations and front line health workers.
From primary health care to universal health coverage—one step forward and two steps back, by David Sanders et al
The Declaration of Alma Ata and the movement it inspired was aspirational and ambitious.
Reflections on PHASA 2019: The Right to Health 25 years into our constitutional democracy, by Manya van Ryneveld
The annual conference of the Public Health Association of South Africa (PHASA) took place from the 17th-19th of September in Athlone, Cape Town, with the theme The Right to Health: 25 years into our constitutional democracy.
Hundreds turned out to UWC’s SOPH to pay tribute to the late David Sanders
Hundreds turned out to UWC’s School of Public Health to pay tribute to the late David Sanders
Tribute to David Sanders from Uta Lehmann
Since news of David Sanders’ sudden and untimely death broke on Saturday morning the tributes, messages and condolences via emails, whatsapp, phone calls, Facebook and Twitter have not stopped pouring in.
Statement on Xenophobic attacks
We, the School of Public Health at the University of the Western Cape, condemn the physical and verbal attacks on our foreign sisters and brothers from Africa in the strongest possible terms.
Breastfeeding Room Opens At UWC School Of Public Health: Empowering Working Mothers At UWC
Are the essential structures and attitudes in place to honour the active roles of communities in health and support them? Are our health systems really calibrated enough locally and do theyinvest in public health grounded in communities?
Claims and evidence: How safe is vaping?
The landscape of e-cigarette politics and research is highly contested, given the enormous financial stakes at play.
SOPH at PHASA 2019
SOPH current students, alumni and academics had a productive period at the PHASA 2019 conference.
A teacher, a role model, a good laugh
Like many public health practitioners, I first got to know David Sanders through his book, ‘The Struggle for Health’. I read it in 1991, six years after it was published. I still have that book, and it sits in my current office.
Remembering David Sanders: a humble, visionary public health activist, by Tanya Doherty
Amid the huge gap that has been left by David’s death, most intensely for his family, the outpouring of tributes and messages is testament to the countless individuals he influenced across the corners of the world.
How to be a social activist for health: an interview with David Sanders
David Sanders, an internationally renowned paediatrician and public health researcher, has spent fifty years involved in struggles for health in Zimbabwe, the UK and South Africa.
A world of respect pours out for ‘public health legend’ David Sanders
The sudden and unexpected death of public health activist and teacher Professor David Sanders has left the health community in South Africa and beyond saddened, but determined to make sure that they continue his work.
Tribute to David Sanders from Uta Lehmann
Since news of David Sanders’ sudden and untimely death broke on Saturday morning the tributes, messages and condolences via emails, whatsapp, phone calls, Facebook and Twitter have not stopped pouring in.
To have or not to have an NHI, by Louis Reynolds & David Sanders
We must build an equitable, unified and sustainable health system that delivers good-quality healthcare to all according to need rather than means (an important distinction that lies at the heart of much of the debate).
Digital tech can boost health, by Asha George et al.
Digital technology is revolutionising our daily lives. Mobile devices monitor our movements, marketing algorithms guide our consumption and social media shape our worldviews and politics.
Assessing community health worker programme governance: A guiding framework, by Helen Schneider
Based on research on the real-life tasks and challenges faced by policy-makers and managers in taking CHW programmes to scale, and drawing on conceptual and empirical literature on governance,5 this brief presents a framework structured around a set of key questions to ask in assessing the governance of CHW programmes.
Guide on building public health capacity through a short course professional development programme
The School of Public Health (SOPH) has been hosting continuing professional development short course programmes since its inception in 1992.
2019 SOPH Winter School has successfully ended!
The 41st Short Course School came to an end today. Eight courses were offered over three weeks (1st to 19th July). the courses were attended by 164 participants from 12 countries, representing 36 health and health-related professions.
SOPH report of activities 2017/18
2019 David Sanders Lecture – Advocate Adila Hassim
Advocate Adila Hassim discussed how we value the life and dignity within and beyond the health system.
Workshop held on Supporting Community Health Workers through Inter-professional Learning
This project develops a strategy to support and strengthen Community Health Workers (CHWs) in preventing Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD’s) in South Africa through interprofessional learning.
Pharmaceutical Public Health: SOPH offering short courses and accredited Masters-level modules
This is an exciting time for public health and pharmacy professionals to build their skills in Pharmaceutical Public Health.
Webinar on decoloniality held: Decolonial conversations about our health policy and systems research (HPSR) praxis: How do we resist?
When a country gains independence from a colonial power, it does not mean that all the effects of colonialism automatically disappear.
2019 SOPH Summer School Programme ended successfully
Our Summer School Programme was held between 11 Feb and 1 March 2019. We offered to our students short introductory courses and general orientation to academic study at no extra charge.
Invitation to the launch of a breastfeeding room in the SOPH, UWC
Prof Uta Lehmann, Director: School of Public Health and Prof Ernie Kunneke, HOD: Department of Dietetics and Nutrition cordially invite you to the launch of a dedicated breastfeeding room for UWC staff, students and visitors to our main campus.
Vacanacy at SOPH: Coordinator
The School of Public Health in the Faculty of Community & Health Sciences has an international reputation as a leading provider of post-graduate learning, teaching and collaborative research.
Dr Amir Aman, recipient of the 2018 Jakes Gerwel Award, delivered a public lecture
Dr Amir Aman, Ethiopian Minister of Health, delivered his lecture entitled “Ethiopia: Health Sector Policy and practice” at the School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape on 14 December 2018.
Dr Amir Aman honored with the Jakes Gerwel Award in Public Health
Jakes Gerwel Award in Public Health 2018 – Amir Aman Hagos
The 2018 recipient of the Jakes Gerwel Award was Dr Amir Aman Hagos, now the Minister of Health of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia who graduated with an MPH in 2013.
2018 David Sanders Lecture – Prof Anthony Costello
Prof Anthony Costello delivered the 2018 Annual David Sanders lecture entitled “The Social Edge: The Power of sympathy groups for health and sustainable development”.
Fourth People’s Health Assembly took place 15-19 November 2018 in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Civil society mobilization and policy dialogue for health equity and accountable national and global governance for health.
HSG: A call to Astana: Health must not remain a privilege of the powerful alone, by Asha George
Professor Asha George has been appointed as Chair of Health Systems Global
Professor Asha George has been appointed as Chair of Health Systems Global – the first international membership organisation fully dedicated to promoting health systems research and knowledge translation.
Spotlight: Building public health system capacity for NHI: Learning from disease-specific successes for system development, By Helen Schneider, Uta Lehmann, Lucy Gilson
We are reminded on a daily basis of failures in our public health system: strikes, stock-outs, critical vacancies, vulnerable patients left to die, cancer patients without treatment, dilapidated and poorly equipped facilities, rampant corruption and wholesale capture of provincial health departments.
Spotlight: Dear Mr President, we need to talk about our health system, by Lucy, Jane, Uta & Helen
Four of South Africa’s top public health systems academics last month sent a letter to President Cyril Ramaphosa as the country grapples with finding solutions for our struggling health services.
Cancellation – Jakes Gerwel Award Ceremony
Due to unforeseen circumstances and the current protests and unrest in Ethiopia, which require Dr Amir’s presence, he is unable to travel to Cape Town.
Emeritus Professor Thandi Puoane receives the PHASA Public Health Innovation and Lifetime Achievement Award
Daily Maverick: Will NHI and Medical Schemes Amendment Bills offer appropriate response to healthcare crisis?, by Lucy, Jane, Uta & Helen
NHS reforms need to pay attention to capacity development and learning and the process of implementation.
CHESAI: The Life Esidimeni tragedy: a post-apartheid violation of health and human rights, by Tanya, Daphine, and Leanne
The Life Healthcare Esidimeni tragedy is one of the most significant violations of health and human rights in post-apartheid South Africa.
Spotlight: NHI Bill- Welcome but flawed, by David & Louis
The People’s Health Movement South Africa (PHM-SA) welcomes the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill in that it confirms Universal Health Coverage (UHC) through a single payer system as the platform for the delivery of health care.
Prof Anthony Costello delivered the 2018 Annual David Sanders lecture
Prof Anthony Costello delivered the 2018 Annual David Sanders lecture entitled “The Social Edge: The Power of sympathy groups for health and sustainable development”.
Public lecture held on “Systems, policies and practices for medicines quality assurance throughout the supply chain”
Dr Raffaella Ravinetto delivered a public lecture entitled “Systems, policies and practices for medicines quality assurance throughout the supply chain” on 17 July 2018.
SOPH launched guide on building public health capacity through a short course professional development programme
Seminar held on ‘Reducing stunting through Multisectoral Efforts in Sub-Saharan Africa’
SOPH Researchers Find Community Health Workers Support Diabetes Self-Management
According to a study by researchers at UWC’s School of Public Health, Community Health Workers play key functions in promoting diabetes disease control through education, support and advocacy.
The History of HISP – from UWC to the world, by Arthur Heywood
Dr Arthur Heywood delivered a presentation entiteld “The History of HISP – from UWC to the world…”! at SOPH Journal Club on 11 June 2018.
Project highlight: “Households in HIV care: an intervention to capitalize on the intermediate role of the household in community support for HIV care”
The overall aim of this project is to optimise the impact of an intervention to improve family functioning and support on individual health.
Building public health capacity through a short course professional development programme: A guide
The School of Public Health (SOPH) at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) has been hosting continuing professional development short course programmes since its inception in 1992. In the past few years we have often been asked by colleagues in schools of public health and similar institutions, both in South Africa and in other parts of the continent, what it takes to set up and continue running such a large and sustained programme in an academic institution; why interest does not wane; and how we manage the focus, substance and logistics of this programme. This guide endeavours to respond to these questions – to assist those university colleagues who are considering the development of similar continuing professional development programmes in the health and related social sectors, both in South Africa and further afield.
Congratulations to our graduates!
Congratulations to all our April 2018 graduates! 7 PhD, 27 Masters, and 22 Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health.
SOPH and SACLA launched Sivile Senza Lifestyle Africa programme
The battle to curb diabetes and other chronic illnesses got a boost when the School of Public Health from the University of the Western Cape (UWC) and the South African Christian Leadership Assembly (SACLA) launched the Sivile Senza Lifestyle Africa programme last month.
Pharmaceutical Public Health 2018
This is an exciting time for public health and pharmacy professionals to build their skills in Pharmaceutical Public Health.
Coming together reception held at SOPH Summer School 2018
SOPH hosted a warm reception on Monday 19 Feb 2018 to bring together Masters and Postgraduate diploma students, who are taking part in the Summer School, and SOPH academic and admin staff.
People’s Health Movement Global Steering Council meeting in Bangkok
PHM Global steering council meeting taking place in Bangkok from the 28th to the 31st of January 2018.
Jakes Gerwel Award in Public Health 2017 – Rolene Wagner
The 2017 Award was presented to 2002 graduate Dr Rolene Wagner, a medical doctor and, from December 2012, the CEO of Frere Hospital in East London, South Africa.
2017 David Sanders Lecture – Prof Hoosen Coovadia
Prof. Hoosen Coovadia addressed in his lecture the concepts of fairness, equality and equity with a focus primarily on the stratifcations based on race, gender and the private/public dichotomoies.
Symposium: Public health perspectives on the crisis in higher education
In 2017 we combined the ceremony at which the Jakes Gerwel Award in Public Health for Outstanding Contribution in the field of Public Health was awarded with a symposium on ‘Public health perspectives on the crisis in higher education’ – in the wake of the #Fees must Fall movement and debates on decolonising higher education.
The beauty of open access: the ever-growing reach of CHEPSAA’s master’s-level courses
CHEPSAA’s online open access modules – Introduction to Complex Health Systems (ICHS) and Introduction to Health Policy and Systems Research (IHPSR) – now have a presence in 61 countries across the world.
SOPH hosted a seminar on International Perspectives on the Role of Embedded Research in Health Systems
SOPH hosted a seminar on International Perspectives on the Role of Embedded Research in Health Systems on 23 November 2017.
UWC and Umeå (U2U) held HPSR capacity building workshop in Cape Town
SOPH Alumnus Wins 2017 Chancellor’s Outstanding Alumnus Award
A Health Policy and Systems Research Reader on Human Resources for Health launched
A Health Policy and Systems Research Reader on Human Resources for Health launched at the Fourth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health in Dublin. #HRHForum2017
Roundtable discussion held on access to food for students in South African higher tertiary institutions
The event was convened by the Socio-Economic Rights Project (SERP), Dullah Omar Institute, University of the Western Cape on 5 October 2017 at the School of Public Health.
A special series on practicing governance towards equity in health systems in LMIC, by SOPH academics
SOPH colleagues contributed to a new thematic series on the International Journal for Equity in Health.
SOPH delegates return after a productive PHASA 2017
SOPH delegates return after a productive PHASA 2017.
SOPH honors its August 2017 graduates at reception
The School hosted a warm reception today to honor its August 2017 graduates, three PhD and one Masters.
New Publications: Chapters in the SAHR2017 from SoPH Staff
The 20th edition of the South African Health Review was released this month.
Guide on transitioning to distance teaching and learning in postgraduate education in public health
The School of Public Health (SOPH) at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) hosted a two-part workshop series with sister institutions in Africa and the global South in May and October 2015 to explore emerging opportunities for expanding access to, and delivery of, post-graduate training in public health for people working in or managing health services/systems. Various distance-based delivery modes were explored, including web-based and e-learning technologies, with focus on workplace-based learning and creating authentic learning opportunities for students.
This Guide is geared towards public health researchers and educators, specifically those focused on post-graduate public health education, who are developing courses and their accompanying resources for blended and distance learning. However, the process that is outlined is generic and can be used and/or adapted for other fields.
We ask that you acknowledge the original source in line with the OER guidelines described on page 2 and that you share your adaptations with us in the interest of refining and developing this as a useful resource for all. Feedback about your own experiences can be emailed to the School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape at: soph-comm@uwc.ac.za.
SOPH Winter School 2017 has ended
#SOPHWinterSchool2017 has ended on a high. Three weeks of 14 short courses, and 307 participants from over 11 countries.
2016/17 Jakes Gerwel Award: Seminar held on Public Health Perspectives on the crisis in higher education
Seminar held on ‘Public Health Perspectives on the crisis in higher education’ at the 2016/17 Jakes Gerwel Award hosted by SOPH on 7 July 2017.
New book: Revitalizing Health for All: Case Studies of the Struggle for Comprehensive Primary Health Care
Vacancy at SOPH, UWC: Professor/Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer
The Faculty of Community & Health Sciences has an international reputation for innovative teaching, learning and research, in programmes which are; inter-professional, community-based, and service-learning orientated. Within this framework, the Faculty of Community and Health Sciences is committed to ensure the School of Public Health’s reputation as a leading education provider for postgraduate programmes.
A Public health intervention: SOPH breakfast drive
In March 2017, in response to reports of acute hunger on our campus, and knowing that large numbers of students were going to class on an empty stomach, the School of Public Health started offering students a basic breakfast twice a week.
SOPH honored its April 2017 graduates
SOPH honored its April 2017 graduates (26 Masters, 1 PhD, and 13 PGD) with a special reception attended by SOPH staff, and graduates’ families.
Food and accommodation crisis at UWC – Donations required
Two weeks ago, in response to reports of acute hunger and a huge accommodation crisis on UWC campus, caused by BIG delays in NSFAS funding allocations, and problems in the allocation of students to residences or private accommodation, the SOPH started a multi-pronged initiative to help students
NRF-STINT U2U collaboration on community based health systems launched
The National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa, in partnership with the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT)
SOPH leading a global initiative to develop a reader on HRH research
Launch of NUTRITION ONE STOP: Driven to promote wellness
SOPH launched its student food initiative called NUTRITION ONE STOP on 23 March 2017.
SOPH Bulletin November 2016 Issue Out
The SOPH Bulletin is a means to provide news about developments at the School – including new exciting projects, what staff has been doing and also some reflections from the staff.
Extending Coverate to Marginalized Groups – 29 January (Thailand)
Please join us and add your voice to USAID’s side session on expanding essential health services to marginalized groups in low- and middle-income settings.
Pearls of wisdom for the young health systems researchers
Faraz Khalid, a 2016 Emerging Voice for Global Health and a PhD candidate at Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, USA, shares his reflections on 2016.
CHESAI delegates return after a productive 4th Global Symposium for Health Systems
CHESAI is a collaborative of health policy and systems researchers based in the Western Cape, South Africa.
Vancouver Statement for the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research Vancouver, Canada 18 November 2016
From 14-18 November 2016, 2,062 delegates from 101 countries assembled in Vancouver, Canada, for the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research on the theme of ‘Resilient and responsive health systems for a changing world’.
Case Study of PHC in South Africa: progress but still some way to go
South Africa is a middle-income country of around 55 million people, two thirds of whom live in urban areas.
SOPH-UWC’s Comments to the South African National Treasury on the Proposed Sugary Drinks Tax
As pointed out in the policy paper, Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) are a global concern, as is the obesity epidemic.
Jakes Gerwel Award in Public Health 2016 – Anne Mutunda
An environmental health practitioner by training, Anne Mutunda works as a water and sanitation health surveillance officer with Akros in Zambia.
2016 David Sanders Lecture – Prof Sundararaman
The 2016 Lecture was delivered by Prof Sundararaman from the School of Health Systems Studies at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India.
Jakes Gerwel Award in Public Health 2015 – Mr Evans Sagawa
Evans Sagwa is the Country Director for the USAID-funded SIAPS and SCMS projects in Nambia, implemented by Management Sciences for Health (MSH).
2015 David Sanders Lecture – Dr Mary Bassett
The 2015 Annual David Sanders Lecture was delivered by Dr Mary Bassett, Commissioner of Health of New York City.
Jakes Gerwel Award in Public Health 2014 – Dr Saadiq Kariem
The second Jakes Gerwel Award in Public Health by the UWC School of Public Health was made to Dr Saadiq Kariem.
2014 David Sanders Lecture – Prof Richard Laing
Prof Richard Laing delivered the Annual David Sanders Lecture 2014: “Access to Medicines: the Struggle Continues”
Jakes Gerwel Award in Public Health 2013 – Dr Kirstie Rendall-Mkosi
Dr Kirstie Rendall-Mkosi receives the first Jakes Gerwel Award in recognition of her demonstrated leadership in areas of teaching, research and community engagement in health promotion, health systems research and primary health care.
2013 Annual David Sanders Lecture – Prof Shula Marks
Shula Marks was born in Cape Town; she emigrated to the UK in 1960 and received her doctorate from the University of London in 1967.