Determinants of viral suppression among adolescents on antiretroviral treatment in Ehlanzeni district, South Africa: a cross-sectional analysis
23 October 2021
Factors that influence parents’ and informal caregivers’ views and practices regarding routine childhood vaccination: a qualitative evidence synthesis
16 November 2021
Call for Applications: Doctoral Scholarship 2022
The School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape seeks to recruit a full-time doctoral candidate from January 2022. The doctoral candidate will be required to register at the University of the Western Cape, and will work on a 3-year project funded by the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC).
The project aims to enhance public health evidence-informed decision-making, through knowledge translation and evidence synthesis
Value and Duration of the Award
The value of the scholarship is R200 000.00 per year. Funding for the scholarship will be available for the 3 years, as per the duration of the project. However, renewal of the scholarship for each year will be subject to satisfactory progress.
- Candidate is a South African citizen;
- Candidate will register for a PhD in Public Health at the University of the Western Cape, to conduct their thesis on a topic that fits within the scope of the SAMRC project;
- Candidate has a Master’s degree in health or social sciences (if the Master’s was obtained from outside of South Africa, it must be SAQA accredited at the time of application);
- Candidate should be able to conduct qualitative research and clearly demonstrate an understanding of knowledge translation and evidence synthesis;
- Disabled individuals are strongly encouraged to apply;
- Preference will be given to candidates from the historically disadvantaged groups;
Application Procedure:
Eligible candidates should provide the following:
- A 1-page cover letter by the candidate motivating her/his interest and suitability for the scholarship (i.e. citizenship, qualifications, historically disadvantaged group, employment status, how the PhD will support his/her career development)
- An abstract of their Master’s dissertation
- An academic transcript, proof of Master’s completion or copy of Master’s certificate
- A full CV including any research outputs
- Names and contact details of at least 3 referees who have supervised or worked with the candidate and can speak to their experience and skills
Enquiries and completed applications should be forwarded to:
- Carnita Ernest (cernest@uwc.ac.za) and Bey Schmidt (bschmidt@uwc.ac.za).
Please use subject heading: Application for 2022 doctoral scholarship
Completed applications need to be submitted by no later than 5pm on 29 November 2021. This position being readvertised. Those who applied previously should not resubmit applications.
The University the Western Cape reserves the right to change the conditions of award, or to make no award at all. The award will be dependent on final registration through UWC processes and approval of the applicant by the SAMRC.