Rethinking mental wellness among adolescents: an integrative review protocol of mental health components
13 June 2022
Between Rhetoric and Reality: Learnings From Youth Participation in the Adolescent and Youth Health Policy in South Africa
14 June 2022
Call for Applications: Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022
The Food Environment Research group (a collective from Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, School of Public Health and the DSI/NRF Center of Excellence in Food Security) at the University of the Western Cape under the leadership of Prof Rina Swart is seeking Post-doctoral Research Fellows to work on the PURE and gut-microbiome studies.
Eligible applicants are required to have:
- completed a PhD in the last five years. For applicants who did not obtain their qualification in South Africa, a valid SAQA certificate should be in hand at the time of application.
- the field of study should be in Medical Biosciences, or Public Health of Nutrition
- have a strong academic record with evidence of research experience and peer-reviewed publications.
- be physically present in South Africa, due to the nature of the research projects. not held a previous post-doc appointment
The Postdoctoral Fellows will be required to register at the University of the Western Cape, The fellowship is initially tenable for one year starting in 2022, and is valued at R200,000 per annum (tax free). A one year renewal is likely, but dependent on satisfactory progress.
Application Procedure:
Eligible candidates should provide the following:
- A cover letter (1-2 pages) motivating for the candidate’s suitability and identifying the specific project(s) of interest
- A CV including all publications and other scholarly research output
- Evidence of publication record and writing skills (which can be copies of or a link to relevant previous peer-reviewed publication)
- An academic transcript
- For those who require a SAQA certification please include the copy of the certificate Names and contact details of at least 3 referees who have supervised or worked with the candidate and can speak to their experience and skills
Enquiries and completed application should be emailed to Carnita Ernest, cernest@uwc.ac.za with cc to Rina Swart rswart@uwc.ac.za. Use subject heading: Application for Postdoctoral Fellowship (Food Environments).
Completed applications need to be submitted by no later than 24 June 2022.
Applications by South Africans from historically disadvantaged groups will be prioritized. Shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview.
The University the Western Cape reserves the right to change the conditions of award or to make no award at all