CHESAI is a collaborative of health policy and systems researchers based in the Western Cape, South Africa. The main partners are the School of Public Health and Family Medicine at the University of Cape Town and the School of Public Health at the University of the Western Cape — currently supported by a grant from the International Development Research Centre, Canada.
- Multimedia for research and knowledge management in health systems research: why, what and how
- What’s your global health value? Applying systems thinking to promote debate and self reflection on good global health
- Nurturing health system resilience through everyday leadership and reflective practice: experience from the DIAHLS and
- Resilient health systems buffers? The every-day role of non-state (faith-based) African health pro-
- South-South collaboration in teaching and learning about health policy and systems research
- Reflections on teaching and Learning systems thinking
- Developing resilient health systems: sharing policy makers’ experience
- Innovations in teaching health policy and systems research
- The bridges that span resilient health systems: Interdisciplines and intersections
- Public-private engagement for health systems strengthening: developing a typology to aid design, implementation and
- The impact of power and politics on policy implementation and reform in developing countries: the complexities of implementing Ghana’s health insurance
- Sustaining health system development over time: experience from the Western Cape province, South Africa
- The global pendulum swing towards community health workers in low-and-middle income countries: are the systems issues being addressed?
- The role of leadership in building resilience in rural under resourced health facilities: assessment of emergency obstetric care in two rural district hospitals in South Africa
- Strengthening stewardship as a key lever in health system strengthening: mechanisms that enable and constrain efforts to create a functional district management team
- Transformative education: improving health outcomes through effective public-private partnership
- Policy and implementation gap: a multi-country perspective
- The contribution of non-state faith based health providers to health systems resilience in Africa
- Eposter The leadership trinity: a framework for leadership development in the health sector
- Post doctorate research fellowship as HPSR capacity development intervention
- Eposter “Courage and patience”: learning about the enablement of health systems resilience from a large scale
- intervention in Sofala, Mozambique
- Eposter “Introducing doctors into primary healthcare clinics: the realities of complex interventions in South Africa
- From individual to team and system competencies: extending the boundaries of health leadership and management capacity development
- What actions help (or hinder) the adoption of early-stage health system strengthening reforms in South Africa
- The frame and the flower. Short film
- #morethanebola A photo-essay from Sierra Leone