From primary health care to universal health coverage—one step forward and two steps back, by David Sanders et al
20 November 2019
2019 David Sanders Lecture – Advocate Adila Hassim
1 December 2019Harnessing knowledge for the design and implementation of Universal Health Coverage
The South African Medical Research Council with the National Department of Health, hosted a two-day UHC symposium attended by the National Department of Health, representatives from the SAMRC, health researchers, provincial health departments, international non-governmental organisations and front line health workers.

The South African Medical Research Council with the National Department of Health, hosted a two-day UHC symposium attended by the National Department of Health, representatives from the SAMRC, health researchers, provincial health departments, international non-governmental organisations and front line health workers. The Symposium was held on Thursday, 21 and Friday 22 November 2019 at the Southern Sun OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg.