Professor Asha George has been appointed as Chair of Health Systems Global
18 October 2018Fourth People’s Health Assembly took place 15-19 November 2018 in Dhaka, Bangladesh
16 November 2018HSG: A call to Astana: Health must not remain a privilege of the powerful alone, by Asha George
Forty years on from the Alma Ata declaration, those who are the most vulnerable are still the least likely to access quality healthcare and to live healthy lives. Research is critical for understanding and addressing the systems of power that undermine health and health equity. Leaders must invest in more inclusive, introspective and innovative research partnerships to strengthen robust, resilient and responsive health systems to achieve ‘health for all’.
At the recent Fifth Global Symposium for Health Systems Research in Liverpool, UK, delegates made a strong plea for action to address the ‘power and privilege’ that continues to undermine global health.