New Publications: Chapters in the SAHR2017 from SoPH Staff
28 August 2017
SOPH delegates return after a productive PHASA 2017
15 September 2017SOPH honors its August 2017 graduates at reception
The School hosted a warm reception today to honor its August 2017 graduates, three PhD and one Masters.
The School hosted a warm reception today to honor its August 2017 graduates, three PhD and one Masters. Graduates’ families and friends, and SOPH colleagues attended the event. Graduates acknowledged their families, supervisors, and SOPH’s student administrators for all the support over the course of their studies.
Doctor of Philosophy
Bvudzai Priscilla Magadzire
Kudzai Emma Mundodawafa Chademana
Pasmore Malambo
Master of Public Health
Matsoso, Tsietsi Martin
Brasa, Alex Wanyama
Serag, Hani