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31 March 2021
Webinar: Pharmacovigilance and clinical trials oversight in sub-Saharan Africa in the era of COVID-19
13 May 2021Project period
01/10/2020 – 30/03/2022
Staff Involved
Tender Application: A study to determine foods and drinks consumed by various LSM groups in South Africans and to understand factors influencing their intake
National Department of Health
Project Summary
The aim of the proposed research is to document the food consumption patterns and nutrient intake of South Africans in order to provide nationally and provincially representative data on the diets of South Africans and the environment within which they exercise their food choices. No national data on dietary intake of adults is currently available (Mchiza et al. 2015) and the National Food Consumption Survey which documented dietary intake of children 1-9 years, is 20 years old. The 3rd National Risk survey (Reddy, 2013) recorded information on adolescent risk behaviour including food consumption, but this did not include adequacy of nutrient intake.
Aims and Objective/ Expected Outcomes for Project
The aim of the proposed research is to document the food consumption patterns and nutrient intake of South Africans in order to provide nationally and provincially representative data on the diets of South Africans and the environment within which they exercise their food choices. No national data on dietary intake of adults is currently available (Mchiza et al. 2015) and the National Food Consumption Survey which documented dietary intake of children 1-9 years, is 20 years old. The 3rd National Risk survey (Reddy, 2013) recorded information on adolescent risk behaviour including food consumption, but this did not include adequacy of nutrient intake.
Key Activities
a) A desk top review from foods procured by South Africans / People living in South Africa
b) A national survey, with sample representing various age segments, and ensuring gender and ethnic inclusion.
A nationally representative sample that will also be provincially representative will be drawn; and four questionnaires administered, i.e. a Household Questionnaire (including sociodemographic and economic information), Food Consumption Questionnaires (food frequency questionnaire and dietary diversity questionnaire and a 24hr recall questionnaire with acquisition component); feeding practices and KAP of caregivers.
- DST/NRF CoE in Food Security
- UWC Dietetics (lead)
- University of Free State
- University of Venda
- University of Kwa-Zulu Natal
- Durban University of Technology
- North-West University
- University of Limpopo
- University of Stellenbosch
- Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University
- University of Zululand