SPaRCS Strengthening Clinical Trials Oversight Workshop
1 December 2023
Drivers of retention of the HIV workforce transitioned from PEPFAR support to the Uganda government payroll
23 February 2024<strong>By:</strong>

A shared agenda for gender and COVID-19 research: priorities based on broadening engagement in science
While the acute and collective crisis from the pandemic is over, an estimated 2.5 million people died from COVID-19 n 2022, tens of millions suffer from long COVID and national economies still reel from multiple deprivations exacerbated by the pandemic. Sex and gender biases deeply mark these evolving experiences of COVID-19, impacting the quality of science and effectiveness of the responses deployed. To galvanise change by strengthening evidence-informed inclusion of sex and gender in COVID-19 practice, we led a virtual collaboration to articulate and prioritise gender and COVID-19 research needs.
It remains imperative to address the basics in gender and health (sex-disaggregated data and sex-specific needs) and also advance transformational goals to advance gender justice across health and social policies, including those related to global research.