2016/17 Jakes Gerwel Award: Seminar held on Public Health Perspectives on the crisis in higher education
10 July 2017
Guide on transitioning to distance teaching and learning in postgraduate education in public health
28 July 2017SOPH Winter School 2017 has ended
#SOPHWinterSchool2017 has ended on a high. Three weeks of 14 short courses, and 307 participants from over 11 countries.
#SOPHWinterSchool2017 has ended on a high. Three weeks of 14 short courses, and 307 participants from over 11 countries.
The University of the Western Cape School of Public Health celebrated 25 years of Winter School, and successfully hosted the 39th short course school in a series of Winter and Summer Schools held at UWC since 1992. These courses expose health and health-related workers to the latest thinking in Public Health and enable them to discuss and exchange ideas on improved planning and implementation of Primary Health Care in the changing environment of the developing world.
For more updates and photos about the event, click here.