Health policy and systems research: Strengthening community-based health systems
9 September 2021
Strengthening health system responsiveness to citizen feedback about health services in South Africa and Kenya
10 September 2021

Team Members

*indicates student or postdoctoral fellow

Gender and Health Hub

In 2019 UWC entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) to work together on advancing research and policy on gender and health from a global South perspective.

Project period

01 January 2021 – 31 December 2022

In 2019 UWC entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) to work together on advancing research and policy on gender and health from a global South perspective.

SOPH’s Asha George is a member of the Core Working Group for the Gender and Health Hub funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Under this MoU, SOPH will support gender and health activities in sub-Saharan Africa and undertake gender analysis in health systems (primary health care, human resources for health).

As a part of this collaboration, Asha George led the analysis on violence against women health workers as a part of the BMJ Series on Women’s Health and Gender Inequalities co-edited by WHO and UNU-IIGH.

UWC has been co-convening an open and consultative process to set research priorities on Gender and COVID-19. Since September 2020, over 400 participants, mostly from low- and middle-income country settings have been engaged, a research protocol finalised and five thematic reports drafted.


  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through United Nations University  International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH)
Related news

  • Follow up to date developments on the Hub here

Related Publications

A shared agenda for gender and COVID-19 research: priorities based on broadening engagement in science

By: Asha S. George, Claudia A Lopes, Lavanya Vijayasingham, Mamothena C. Mothupi, Ronald Musizvingoza, Gita Mishram, Jacqui Stevenson, Michelle Remme