Knowledge Translation Platforms for bridging public health and health systems research into Universal Health Coverage related policy and practice in South Africa (KTP-UHC)
10 December 2021
Gender-transformative research in Africa: collective learning and synthesis to improve sexual reproductive and maternal health rights and services
16 November 2022Team Members
*indicates student or postdoctoral fellow
Learning partnerships for gender-transformation (LP4GT) in South Africa
The three year project started in February 2022 and will develop and explore learning partnerships to support gender-transformative innovations in adolescent and young people’s sexual and reproductive health in South Africa
Project period
01 February 2022 – 31 January 2025
Project Summary
This project will create a collaborative community-based learning platform to support dialogue, exchange and capacity strengthening on gender-transformative approaches in adolescent and young people’s sexual and reproductive health rights and services. The platform builds on a multi-sectoral program called “My Journey”, which delivers comprehensive biomedical, behavioural and structural support and services to adolescent girls and boys aged 10-24 in South Africa.
Led by SOPH with NACOSA, we will combine engaged scholarship with civil society mobilization to support the learning platform. Other key partners include the Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness, implementing CBOs, and the adolescent and young people who are at the center of NACOSA’s programs.