Asha George

Dr Asha George

MSc (Harvard), DPhil (Sussex)

Professor and SARCHI Chair

Asha George joined the SOPH in 2016 as the South African Research Chair (SARChI) in Health Systems, Complexity and Social Change.

She continues at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health as an Adjunct Professor.. She is a qualitative researcher engaged with health systems to advance health and social justice in low- and middle-income countries. With a gender and rights lens, she focuses on the frontline interface and governance of services, taking into consideration community and health worker perspectives.

She started her career working  in Mexico with government ministries and the UN system to advance the Beijing and Cairo agendas for women’s health and rights. She then returned to India, , where she partnered with allies across community, district, state and national health systems to advance maternal health from a gender and rights perspective.

During the COVID-19 pandemic she co-convened over a 1000 participants primarily from low and middle income countries in a virtual process to define sex and gender priorities for pandemic responses. She supports gender transformative programming in a learning partnership with NACOSA and Hope Africa in Klipfontein, Cape Town, co-convenes the African Regional Community of Practice on Gender and Health and supports analysis of gender mainstreaming in health at scale with partners across Africa and Asia. With students, she is exploring how to queer health systems across African health systems.

Her contributions to global health leadership includes election  to the Board of Health Systems Global and serving as its Vice Chair from 2016-2018, and its Chair from 2018 to 2020. She also served as a Commissioner for the Lancet Commission on Re-Aligning Child Health for the SDG Era. In 2019, she was nominated to  the Scientific and Technical Advisory Group for the Human Reproduction Program/ Department of Reproductive Health Research at WHO Geneva and serves as Chair since mid 2022. She also currently leads the Gender and Equity sub-group of the Global Financing Facility’s Results Advisory Group and advises the Women’s Health Exemplars team at Gates Ventures.

Dr. George is rated as a B3 scientist by the National Research Foundation. Since 2002, she has co-edited 3 edited volumes and 4 journal supplements, as well as co-authored over 150 journal publications and multiple technical reports and guidance documents.


In the news

Call for Applications – DSI/NRF SARChI Chair in Health Systems, Complexity and Social Change – Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025 (1 post)

The School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape (SOPH) is seeking to appoint one Postdoctoral Fellow attached to the SARCHI Chair in Health Systems, Complexity and Social Change (Prof Asha George) and her collaborators, beginning as soon as possible in 2025. Please read the eligibility requirements carefully before applying.

FEMINIST FIESTA workshop: Validating African perspectives on gender transformative approaches in health

The three-day validation workshop held in Cape Town from May 8-10, 2024, brought together 20 feminist – researchers, academics, implementers, and activists from 12 countries and 16 institutions in Africa.

A shared agenda for gender and COVID-19 research: priorities based on broadening engagement in science

By: Asha S. George, Claudia A Lopes, Lavanya Vijayasingham, Mamothena C. Mothupi, Ronald Musizvingoza, Gita Mishram, Jacqui Stevenson, Michelle Remme

Between Rhetoric and Reality: Learnings From Youth Participation in the Adolescent and Youth Health Policy in South Africa

Staff inolved: Tanya Jacobs and Asha George

A scoping review of the determinants of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder in South Africa: an intersectional perspective

Current Thinking and Practice in Health Promotion: Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic

A webinar Series hosted by Dr Anam Nyembezi from the 21st October till the 28th October

Are rhetorical commitments to adolescents reflected in planning documents? An exploratory content analysis of adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Global Financing Facility country plans

Staff inolved: Asha S. George, Tanya Jacobs, Mary V. Kinney, Annie Haakenstad, Neha S. Singh, Kumanan Rasanathan & Mickey Chopra

Podcast: Advancing health systems for all in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) era

This podcast is with Journal Development and Communications Officer, Natasha Salaria and Professor Asha George – University of the Western Cape and Chair of Board at Health Systems Global.

Digital tech can boost health, by Asha George et al.

Digital technology is revolutionising our daily lives. Mobile devices monitor our movements, marketing algorithms guide our consumption and social media shape our worldviews and politics.