Associate Prof. Hanani Tabana
BSc, BSc (Hons), MPH (UCT), PhD (Karolinska)
Associate Professor
Hanani Tabana’s training is in Epidemiology. Her area of research is broadly situated within intersections of big program areas including Mental Health and well-being, HIV/AIDS, and sexual and reproductive health issues (especially adolescent pregnancy, adolescent health in general and access to care).
Prior to this, her work within the field of HIV/AIDS was around; prevention of HIV transmission from mothers to their children, use of alternative methods of HIV counselling and testing to increase uptake and understanding linkages to care for people living with HIV. Her focus has slightly shifted and concentrates more on the aforementioned intersections. Although her research has focused on different groups of people, adolescents (and mothers) are currently at the heart of her research. In addition, she also conducts economic evaluations alongside research studies. Most of these evaluations have been around; interventions on task shifting of mental health care from specialized to lower cadre of workers, various research on HIV and other research areas.