Health services and systems, rooted in human rights and social justice.

The purpose of the School is to support and train policy  makers and implementers who are knowledgeable and skilled in the principles and practice of public health

Call for Applications – DSI/NRF SARChI Chair in Health Systems, Complexity and Social Change – Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025 (1 post)

The School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape (SOPH) is seeking to appoint one Postdoctoral Fellow attached to the SARCHI Chair in Health Systems, Complexity and Social Change (Prof Asha George) and her collaborators, beginning as soon as possible in 2025. Please read the eligibility requirements carefully before applying.

GT4Africa Cohort Workshop (9-13 September 2024)

The first in-person GT4Africa cohort workshop deliberated on Research Publications, Knowledge Translation, and Sustainability and collaborated on a forthcoming journal supplement and commentaries.

University of the Western Cape and Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp join forces to improve medicine and vaccine safety in South Africa

The University of the Western Cape (UWC) and the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp, Belgium, are excited to announce the establishment of the Centre of Excellence for Pharmacovigilance in Southern Africa (CEPSA). The Centre focuses on improving the safety of medicines and vaccines. Supported by a recent grant from the European Commission DG International Partnerships (INTPA, in close collaboration with DG Research (RDT), this initiative marks a big step forward in making medicines safer and more accessible across the region.

COPC Workshop report

The Western Cape Department of Health & Wellness together with the UWC and UCT Schools of Public Health recently came together to host a one-day workshop on Community-Oriented Primary Care.

Health Justice is Social Justice – 2024 Annual David Sanders Lecture in Public Health and Social Justice

The University of the Western Cape School of Public Health (UWC-SOPH) and People’s Health Movement for the Annual David Sanders Lecture in Public Health and Social Justice

Jakes Gerwel Award in Public Health 2024: Dr Anita Parbhoo

A lecture by Dr Anita Parbhoo, the 2024 Jakes Gerwel Award recipient.

TUFH Africa Regional Events: Road to Ubuntu 2024: Community Processes for Local and Global Health Development: Voices of Reason

Online panel conversation on community processes for local and global health and development as part of the TUFH Africa Regional Event: Road to Ubuntu 2024 Conference .

Launch Webinar: Responsive Dialogues For Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance And Enhancing Community Engagement

Please join the launch of the modular Responsive Dialogues Guidelines developed by The School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape in collaboration with ICARS and funded by Wellcome.

Barriers and facilitators of and strategies for successful community engagement in infectious disease clinical trials in low- and middle- income countries

By: Bey-Marrié Schmidt, Carmen Späth, Myrna van Pinxteren, Primus Che Chi, Charles S Wiysonge, Joy Oliver, Christopher James Colvin

Determinants and rates of retention in HIV care among adolescents receiving antiretroviral therapy in Windhoek, Namibia: a baseline cohort analysis

By: Farai K. Munyani,  Brian van Wyk

Asking the Experts: Using Cognitive Interview Techniques to Explore the Face Validity of the Mental Wellness Measure for Adolescents Living with HIV

By: Zaido Orth, Brian van Wyk

Drivers of retention of the HIV workforce transitioned from PEPFAR support to the Uganda government payroll

By: Henry Zakumumpa, Joseph Rujumba, Marjorie Kyomuhendo, Ilyse Stempler, Woldekidan Amde

The PGD in Public Health aims to provide graduates with an overview of Public Health, with an emphasis on health sector transformation, district health services and the Primary Health Care approach. Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (NQF Level 8) FIND OUT MORE The Master of Public Health (MPH) aims to equip graduates to: identify, quantify and prioritise health needs at population level; design, implement and evaluate Public Health interventions or programmes and policies; demonstrate leadership in transforming aspects of the health services and system; and to conduct related research. Master Of Public Health – (NQF Level 9) FIND OUT MORE At present we are offering an academically oriented doctorate by thesis only, which implies a very large research project, either written up in a full thesis, or in a format of manuscripts with a beginning and ending sections forming part of the whole thesis. Phd in Public Health FIND OUT MORE Academic Programmes

Report of Activities 2019 – 2020

We have published reports of our activities every two years for about the past twenty years.

This year we are publishing it electronically for the first time, perhaps reflecting the rapidly accelerated replacement of print with on-line resources (although I don’t think I will change my preference for reading in print). But while the electronic format will make the report easily available around the world, easily readable on mobile phones and tablets, I am also aware that the ubiquitous presence of on-line meetings, digital resources and a world of information that can be tapped any time does not mean equitable access. When we surveyed our students and short course participants last year, we learned that while access has increased substantially, bandwidth, data access and data cost, remain substantial barriers

Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance via Community-based Responsive Dialogues

This project, funded by ICARS (International Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions)  through a grant from Wellcome from February to December 2023, developed guidelines to facilitate Responsive Dialogues to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in LMIC settings.