SOPH staff and students publish widely and engage in various platforms to ensure that there is wider impact of the research. Below we provide a summary of research outputs for 2020.
SOPH staff and students publish widely and engage in various platforms to ensure that there is wider reach and impact of the research. In an endeavour to have a broader science impact, staff present at national and international conferences and are also encouraged to publish blogs, newspaper articles and engage in podcasts and external webinars.
In this section we provide information on the published works and public webinars involving SOPH staff and associated researchers. Students and postdoctoral fellows are identified with a *
The current year publications are updated every quarter.
Recent Publications
*indicates student or postdoctoral fellow author
Book Chapters
- Gittings L, Casale M, Kannemeyer N, Rayalo N, Cluver L, Kelly J, Logie C, Toska E. (2022). “Even if I’m well informed, I will never get it”: COVID-19 vaccine beliefs, intentions and acceptability among adolescents and young people in South Africa. Chapter 28 in Govender K, George G, Padarath A, Moeti T (Eds), South African Health Review 2021: Health Sector Responses to COVID-19. Health System Trust, Durban
- Nyembezi A, Delobelle P & Mohamed S. (2022). Health promotion teaching and learning at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa: Thinking global, acting local. Chapter 7. In Akerman M & Germani ACCG (eds.) International Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Health Promotion Practices: and Reflections from Around the World. Springer Nature, Swirtzerland.
- Schneider H, Okeyo I, du Toit A, Engelbrecht B, London L, Pegram E, Reagon, G, Cloete K. (2022). Intersectoral collaboration before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Western Cape: implications for future whole-of-society approaches to health and wellbeing. Chapter 17 in Govender K, George G, Padarath A, Moeti T (Eds), South African Health Review 2021: Health Sector Responses to COVID-19. Health System Trust, Durban
- Schneider H, Jabulani M, Morewane R & Perez G. (2022). Primary Health Care. Chapter 4 in Matsoso MP, Chikte U, Makubalo L, Pillay Y, Fryatt R (Eds), The South African Health Reforms 2015-2020. Trackstar Trading
- Tadele, G. and Amde W. (2022). ‘Digital lawfare and activism by lesbian, gay and bisexual persons in Ethiopia’, Chapter 12 in Jjuuko, A. et al. (eds) Queer lawfare in Africa: Legal strategies in contexts of LGBTIQ+ criminalisation and politicisation. Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press (PULP), pp. 377–403.
- *van Ryneveld M, Whyle E, & Brady L. (2022). Clash of Cultures: Bureaucracy Meets Localism, Informality, and Trust in Responding to the Covid-19 Crisis in Cape Town. In Psychosocial Perspectives on Community Responses to Covid-19 (pp. 119-132). Routledge.
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
- *Azia I, Mukumbang FC, Shernaaz C, Nyembezi A. (2022). Role of religious beliefs on antiretroviral treatment adherence among Pentecostal Christians in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 12:e052750. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052750
- Angko W, Wulifan JK & Sumankuuro J. (2022). Health insurance coverage, socioeconomic status of women, and antenatal care utilization in Ghana. Journal of Population and Social Studies, 23. DOI: 10.25133/JPSSv312023.004
- *Bopape M, De Man J, Taillie LS, Ng SW, Murukutla N & Swart R. (2022). Effect of different front-of-package food labels on identification of unhealthy products and intention to purchase the products- A randomised controlled trial in South Africa. Appetite, 179, 106283.
- *Babatunde GB, Schmidt B, *Gwelo NB & Akintola O. (2022). Defining, conceptualising and operationalising community empowerment: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 12:e056152. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056152
- Bezuidenhout W, Cummings J, de Klerk L, Finlay D, Lewis C, Pienaar L, Bouwer A, Coetzee R, & Joubert, G. (2022). The knowledge and practices of caregivers regarding the administration of oral liquid medication to children at a healthcare clinic in Bloemfontein, South Africa. South African Journal of Child Health, 16(3), 166–171.
- Casale M, Yates R, Gittings L, Ronnie GH, Somefun O, Desmond C. (2022) Consolidate, conceptualize, contextualise: key learnings for future intervention acceptability research with young people in Africa, Psychology, Health & Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2022.2108078
- Catley D, Puoane T, Tsolekile L, Resnicow K, Fleming KK, Hurley EA, Smyth JM, Materia FT, Lambert EV. Vitolins MZ, Levitt NS & Goggin K. (2022). Evaluation of an adapted version of the Diabetes Prevention Program for low-and middle-income countries: A cluster randomized trial to evaluate “Lifestyle Africa” in South Africa. PLoS Medicine, 19(4), e1003964.
- Cooper S, Schmidt BM, Swartz A, Colvin C., Leon N, Sambala EZ., Jaca A, Gloeck N, Pillay N, Kredo T, Wiysonge C. (2022). Factors that influence parental and caregiver acceptance of routine childhood vaccination: Summary of a qualitative evidence synthesis. South African Medicine Journal, 112(12). 890-91.
- Crutchley RD, Newsome C, Chen LW, Li D, , Sarangarm P, Min A, Bowers D, Coetzee R, & Mckeirnan KC. (2022). Design, Implementation, and Assessment Approaches Within an Advanced Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Elective Course. Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 0(0), 1–10.
- De Man J, Kasujja FX, Delobelle P, Annerstedt KS, Alvesson HM, Absetz P, Wouters E, Daivadanam M, Guwatudde D, Puoane T, Remmen R, Tabana H & Van Olmen J. (2022). Motivational determinants of physical activity in disadvantaged populations with (pre) diabetes: a cross-cultural comparison. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1-13.
- de Vries E, Johnson, Y, Willems B, Bedeker W, Ras T, Coetzee R, Tembo Y, & Brink A. (2022) Improving primary care antimicrobial stewardship by implementing a peer audit and feedback intervention in Cape Town community healthcare centres. South African Medical Journal, 112(10):812-818.
- *Delport A, Tabana H, Knight L & Wouters E. (2022). The co-occurrence of the SAVA syndemic, depression and anxiety as barriers to antiretroviral therapy adherence among sub-Saharan Africa population groups: A scoping review protocol. PLoS ONE, 17(9): e0274614.
- Dlozi PN, Angelina Gladchuk A, Crutchley RD, Keuler N, Coetzee R, Dube A. (2002). Cathelicidins and defensins antimicrobial host defense peptides in the treatment of TB and HIV: Pharmacogenomic and nanomedicine approaches towards improved therapeutic outcomes. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 151.
- Doherty T, Engebretsen IMS, Tylleskär T, Burgoine K, Baerug A, Mercer R, Baker P, Clark D, Pereira-Kotze CJ & Kroon M. (2022). Questioning the ethics of international research on formula milk supplementation in low-income African countries. BMJ Global Health, 7:e009181.
- Doherty T, Pereira-Kotze CJ, Luthuli S, Haskins L, Kingston G, Dlamini-Nqeketo S, Tshitaudzi G & Horwood C. 2022. They push their products through me: health professionals’ perspectives on and exposure to marketing of commercial milk formula in Cape Town and Johannesburg, South Africa – a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 12(4): e055872.
- Doherty T, Coutsoudis A, McCoy D, Lake L, Pereira-Kotze C, Goldhagen J & Kroon M. (2022). Is the US infant formula shortage an avoidable crisis? The Lancet.
- Domapielle MK, *Sumankuuro J & Bebelleh FD. (2022). Revisiting the debate on health financing in low and middle-income countries: An integrative review of selected models. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 37(6): 3061-3074. DOI: 10.1002/hpm.3566
- Duong M, Rangarajan S, Zaman M, Nasir NM, Seron P, Yeates K, Yusufali AM, Khatib R, Tse LA, Wang C & Wielgosz A, Teo K, Kumar R, Avezum A, Ismail R, çalık BT, Gopakumar, S, Rahan O, Zatónska K, Rosengren A, Johanna O, Kelishadi R, Diaz R, Puoane T, Yusuf S. (2022). Differences and agreement between two portable hand-held spirometers across diverse community-based populations in the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study. PLOS Global Public Health,2(2), p.e0000141.
- Durão S, Burns J, Schmidt, BM. (2023). Tumusiime D, Hohlfeld A, Pfadenhauer L, Ongolo‑Zogo C, Rehfuess E and Kredo T. Infrastructure, policy and regulatory interventions to increase physical activity to prevent cardiovascular diseases and diabetes: a systematic review. BMC Public Health 23, 112
- Egieyeh EO, Bheekie A, van Huyssteen M, Coetzee R. (2022). Comparative Evaluation of Pharmacy Students’ Knowledge and Skills in Maternal and Child Health: Traditional versus Integrated Curriculum. Pharmacy, 10(3):62.
- *Elashi B & van Wyk B. (2022). Factors associated with viral suppression among adolescents on antiretroviral therapy in Free State province, South Africa. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine, 23(1). doi:
- Engel N, Ochodo EA, Karanja PW, Schmidt BM, Janssen R, Steingart KR, Oliver S. Rapid molecular tests for tuberculosis and tuberculosis drug resistance: a qualitative evidence synthesis of recipient and provider views. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2022, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD014877. - Frank T, Ng SW, Miles DR & Swart EC. (2022). Applying and comparing various nutrient profiling models against the packaged food supply in South Africa. Public Health Nutrition, 16:1-2. doi:10.1017/S1368980022000374
- Green G, Swartz A, Tembo D, Cooper D, George A, Matzopoulos R, Leal AF, Cabral C, Barobosa R & Knauth D. (2022). A scoping review of how exposure to urban violence impacts youth access to sexual, reproductive and trauma health care in LMICs. Global Health Action,
- Godman B, Egwuenu A , Wesangula E, Schellack N, Kalungia AC, Tiroyakgosi C, Kgatlwane J, Mwita JC, Patrick O, Niba LL, Amu AA, Oguntade RT, Alabi ME, Ncube NBQ, Sefah IA, Acolatse J, Incoom R, Guantai AN, Oluka M, Opanga S, Chikowe I, Khuluza F, Chiumia FK, Jana CE, Kalemeera G, Hango E, Fadare J, Ogunleye OO, Ebruke BE, Meyer JC, Massele A, Malande OO, Kibuule D, Kapona O, Zaranyika T, Bwakura-Dangarembizi M, Kujinga T, Saleem Z, Kurdi A, Shahwan M, Jairoun AA, Wale J & Brink AJ. (2022) Tackling antimicrobial resistance across sub-Saharan Africa: current challenges and implications for the future. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety, 21(8), 1089-1111,
- Hendrickx M, *Mothupi MC, Cooper D, De Meyer S, Knight L, Michielsen K, Tabana H. (2022). Same but Different? Comparing Attitudes Regarding Gender, Gender Diversity, and Sexual Diversity Among Early Adolescents in South Africa and Belgium. Journal of Adolescent Health, 71(4).
- Horwood C, Luthuli S, Pereira-Kotze C, Haskins L, Kingston G, Dlamini-Nqeketo S, Tshitaudzi G & Doherty T. (2002). An exploration of pregnant women and mothers’ attitudes, perceptions and experiences of formula feeding and formula marketing, and the factors that influence decision-making about infant feeding in South Africa. BMC Public Health. 22: 393.
- *Jacobs T & George A. (2022). Between Rhetoric and Reality: Learnings from youth participation in the adolescent and youth health policy in South Africa. International Journal of Health Policy and Management.
- Jegede, O.E.; van Wyk, B. Transition Interventions for Adolescents on Antiretroviral Therapy on Transfer from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19, 14911.
- Keuler N, Johnson Y, & Coetzee R. (2022). A description of sodium valproate, lamotrigine and levetiracetam consumption in the Western Cape public sector. South African Family Practice, 64(1). doi:
- Keuler N, Johnson Y & Coetzee R. (2022). Treating urinary tract infections in public sector primary healthcare facilities in Cape Town, South Africa: A pharmaceutical perspective. South African Medical Journal, 112(7), 487.
- *Kinney M, Bergh AM, Rhoda N, Pattinson R & George A. 2022. Exploring the sustainability of perinatal audit in four district hospitals in the Western Cape, South Africa: a multiple case study approach. BMJ Global Health, 7: e009242.
- Legenza L, Coetzee R, Rose WE, Esack T, Crombie K, Mina M, Safdar N & Barnett SG. (2022). Application of consolidated framework for implementation research to improve Clostridioides difficile infection management in district hospitals. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy.
- *Mabizela S & van Wyk B. (2022). Viral suppression among adolescents on HIV treatment in the Sedibeng District, Gauteng province. Curationis, 45(1): a2312.
- Masinga N, Nyamaruze P, & Akintola OA. (2022). Retrospective study exploring how South African newspapers framed Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders over an 11-year period (2004–2014). BMC Psychiatry 22, 667.
- Marsh AD, Moller A, Saewyc E, Adebayo E, Akwara E, Azzopardi P, Ba MG, Blatag V, Rose K, Burrows S, Carvajal L, Dastgiri S, Fagan L, Ferguson J, Friedman HS, Giyava C, Hagell A, Inchelet J, Jackson D, Kågesten AE, Mangombe A, Morgan A, Newby H, Schultz L, Sommer M, Speizer I, Tang, K & Guthold R. 2022. Priority indicators for adolescent health measurement- recommendations from the Global Action for Measurement of Adolescent Health (GAMA) Advisory Group. Journal of Adolescent Health,
- Matlapeng KM, *Babatunde GB & Akintola O. (2022). Acceptability and accessibility of HIV testing and treatment among men who have sex with men in Botswana. African Journal of AIDS Research, 1-9. DOI: 10.2989/16085906.2022.2077780.
- Mathews V. (2022). Motivation to enrol in a Master of Public Health postgraduate programme at a South African university. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 14(3): 101-105.
- *Masupe T, Onagbiye S, Puoane T, Pilvikki A, Alvesson HM & Delobelle P. (2022). Diabetes self-management: a qualitative study on challenges and solutions from the perspective of South African patients and health care providers. Global Health Action, 15(1).
- Mchiza, ZJ. (2022). Diet Therapy and Public Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14): 8312.
- *Mukanu MM, Thow AM, Delobelle P & Mchiza ZJ. (2022). School food environment in Urban Zambia: A qualitative analysis of drivers of adolescent food choices and their policy implications. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 7460.
- *Mukanu MM, Delobelle P, Thow AM & Mchiza ZJR. (2022). Determinants of dietary patterns in school going adolescents in Urban Zambia. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9: 956109.
- *Munyani FK, van Wyk B & Mayman Y. (2022) Interventions to Improve Treatment Outcomes among Adolescents on Antiretroviral Therapy with Unsuppressed Viral Loads: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 3940.
- *Munyani FK & van Wyk B. (2022). Closing the HIV treatment gap for adolescents in Windhoek, Namibia: A retrospective analysis of predictors of viral non-suppression. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (ss), 14710.
- Nomatshila SC, Mabunda SA, Puoane T & Apalata TR. (2022). Prevalence of Obesity and Associated Risk Factors among Children and Adolescents in the Eastern Cape Province. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(5), p.2946.
- Odendaal W, Goga A, Chetty T, Schneider H, Pillay Y, Marshall C, Feucht U, Hlongwane T, Kauchali S, Makua M. (2002). Early Reflections on Mphatlalatsane, a Maternal and Neonatal Quality Improvement Initiative Implemented During COVID-19 in South Africa. Global Health: Science and Practice, 10(5).
- Okeyo I, Walmisley U, De Jong M, *Späth C, Doherty T, Siegfried N, Harker N, Tomlinson M & George AS. (2022). Whole-of-community interventions that address alcohol-related harms: protocol for a scoping review. BMJ Open, 12(7).
- *Okonji E, van Wyk B, Hughes G & Mukumbang F (2022). Implementation of a psychosocial support intervention for adolescents on antiretroviral: challenges and experiences from Ehlanzeni District, South Africa. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care, 21, 1-10.
- *Okonji EF, van Wyk B & Mukumbang FC (2022). Two- year retention in care for adolescents on antiretroviral therapy in Ehlanzeni district, South Africa: a baseline cohort analysis, AIDS Care, p. 1-12.
- *Okonji EF, vanWyk B & Mukumbang FC. (2022). Applying the biopsychosocial model to unpack a psychosocial support intervention designed to improve antiretroviral treatment outcomes for adolescents in South Africa. Pan African Medical Journal, 41(166). doi: 10.11604/pamj.2022.41.166.31985
- *Okonji EF, van Wyk B, Hughes GD & Mukumbang FC. (2022). Psychosocial Support Programme Improves Adherence and Health Systems Experiences for Adolescents on Antiretroviral Therapy in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 15468; 1-21.
- Okop K, Delobelle P, Lambert EV, Getachew H, Howe R, Kedir, K, Niyibiza, JB, Bavuma C, Kasenda S, Crampin AC, King AC, Puoane T, Levitt, NS. (2023). Implementing and Evaluating Community Health Worker-Led Cardiovascular Disease Risk Screening Intervention in Sub-Saharan Africa Communities: A Participatory Implementation Research Protocol. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1), 298.
- Oliphant NP, Sy z, Koné B, Berthé M, Beebe M, Samake M, Diabeté M, Tounkara S, Diarra B, Diarra AB, Diawara CH, Yakimova T, Florisse S, Jackson D, Ray N & Doherty T. (2022). Improving the efficiency of scale-up and deployment of community health workers in Mali: a geospational analysis. PLoS Global Public Health, 2(10): e0000626.
- *Orth Z, Moosajee F & van Wyk B. (2022). Measuring Mental Wellness of Adolescents: A Systematic Review of Instruments. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, p.730.
- *Orth Z & van Wyk B. (2022). Discourses of mental wellness among adolescents living with HIV in Cape Town, South Africa. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 15, p. 1435-1450.
- *Orth Z & van Wyk B. (2022). Rethinking mental wellness among adolescents: an integrative review protocol of mental health components. Systematic reviews, 11(83).
- *Orth Z & van Wyk B.(2022). Rethinking mental health wellness among adolescents living with HIV in the African context: An integrative review of mental health components. Frontiers in Psychology, 13: 955869.
- *Pereira-Kotze C, Jeffery B, Badham J, Swart EC, du Plessis, L, Goga A, Lake L, Kroon M, Saloojee H, Scott C, Mercer R, Waterson , Goldhagen J, Clark D, Baker P & Doherty T. (2022). Conflicts of interest are harming maternal and child health: time for scientific journals to end relationships with manufacturers of breast-milk substitutes. BMJ Global Health, 7(2), p.e008002.
- *Pereira-Kotze C, Malherbe K, Faber M, Doherty T & Cooper D. (2022). Legislation and policies for the right to maternity protection in South Africa: A fragmented state of affairs. Journal of Human Lactation.
- Pereira-Kotze C, Horwood C, Haskinds, L, Kingston G, Luthuli S & Doherty T. (2022). Exploring women’s exposure to marketing of commercial formula products: a qualitative marketing study from two sites in South Africa. Global Health Action, 15:1, 2074663, DOI: 10.1080/16549716.2022.2074663
- *Pereira-Kotze C, Doherty T & Faber M. (2022). Maternity protection for female non-standard workers in South Africa: the case of domestic workers. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22 (657).
- *Roomaney RA, van Wyk B & Pillay -van Wyk P. (2022). A systematic method for comparing multimorbidity in national surveys. BMC Research Notes, 15:280.
- *Roomaney RA, van Wyk B & Pillay-van Wyk V. (2022). Aging with HIV: Increased Risk of HIV Comorbidities in Older Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), p.2359.
- *Roomany RA, van Wyk B, Cois A & Pillay-van Wyk V. (2022). Multimorbidity patterns in a national HIV survey of South African youth and adults. Frontiers in Public Health, 10:862993.
- *Roomaney RA, van WykB & Pillay-van Wyk V. (2022). Decolonising multimorbidity? research gaps in low and middle-income countries. Pan African Medical Journal, 41(140).
- *Roomaney RA, van Wyk B & Pillay- van Wyk. (2022). One in five South Africans are multimorbid: An analysis of the 2016 demographic and health survey. PLoS ONE, 17(5).
- *Roomaney RA, van Wyk B, Cois A & Pillay-van Wyk V. (2022). Inequity in the distribution of Non-communicable disease multimorbidity in adults in South Africa: An analysis of prevalence and patterns. International Journal of Public Health, 67:1605072.
- Ross A, Swart EC, Frank T, Lowery CM & Ng SW. (2022). South Africa’s health promotion levy on pricing and acquisition of beverages in small stores and supermarkets. Public Health Nutrition, 1-10. doi:10.1017/S1368980022000507
- *Sekgala MD, Sewpaul R, Opperman M & Mchiza ZJ. (2022). Comparison of the Ability of Anthropometric Indices to Predict the Risk of Diabetes Mellitus in South African Males: SANHANES-1. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), 3224.
- *Sekgala MD, Opperman M, Mpahleni B & Mchiza ZJR. (2022). Anthropometric indices and cut-off points for screening of metabolic syndrome among South African taxi drivers. Frontiers in Nutrition, 11.
- *Sekgala MD, Opperman M, Mpahleni B & Mchiza ZJR. (2022). Association between macronutrient and fatty acid consumption and metabolic syndrome: A South African taxi driver survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(23), 15452.
- *Sematlane N, Knight L, Masquillier C, and Wouters E. (2022).A cross-cultural adaptation and validation of a scale to assess illness identity in adults living with a chronic illness in South Africa: a case of HIV. AIDS Research and Therapy, 19(39).
- Schmidt BM, *Späth C, van Pinxteren M, Chi PC, Wiysonge CS, Oliver J, Colvin CJ. (2022). Barriers and facilitators of and strategies for successful community engagement in infectious disease clinical trials in low- and middle-income countries (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 8. Art. No.: MR000066. DOI:10.1002/14651858.MR000066
- Schmidt BM, Cooper S, Klerings I, Head K, Sell K, Houghton C, Jama NA, Pfadenhauer LM, Mianda S, Toomey E. Health policymakers’ views and experiences of knowledge translation approaches to facilitate evidence-informed decisionmaking: a qualitative evidence synthesis (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews s 2022, Issue 10 Art. No.: CD015346. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD015346
- Schmidt BM, Cooper S, Young T & Jessani NS. (2022). Characteristics of knowledge translation platforms and methods for evaluating them: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 12: e061185. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2022-061185
- Schneider H, Mukinda F, Tabana H & George A. (2022). Expressions of actor power in implementation: a qualitative case study of a health service intervention in South Africa. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1-11.
- Shannon G, Morgan R, Zeinali Z, Brady L, Couto MT, Devakumar D, Eder B, Karadag O, Mukherjee M, Peres MFT, Ryngelblum M, Sabharwal N, Schonfield A, Silwane P, Singh D, *Van Ryneveld M, Vilakati S, Watego C, Whyle E, Muraya K. (2022). Intersectional insights into racism and health: not just a question of identity. The Lancet, Volume 400, Issue 10368, 2125-2136,
- *Siseho GM, Mathole T & Jackson D. (2022). Monitoring healthcare improvement for mothers and newborns: A quantitative review of WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA standards using Every Mother Every Newborn assessment tools. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 10:959482.
- *Somefun OD & Olamijuwon E. (2022). Community structure and timing of sexual activity among adolescent girls in Nigeria. PLoS ONE, 17(7): e0269168.
- *Ssegujja E, Ddumba I & Andipatin M. (2022). Health workers’ social networks and their influence in the adoption of strategies to address the stillbirth burden at a substantial level health system in Uganda. PLOS Global Public Health, 2(7): e0000798.
- Sumankuuro J, Domapielle MK & Derbile EK. (2022). The what’s, where’s and why’s of miscarriage: evidence from the 2017 Ghana Maternal Health Survey. Public Health, 213, 34-46.
- Sumankuuro J, Baatiema L, Crockett J & Young J. (2022). Women’s use of non-conventional herbal uterotonic in pregnancy and labour: evidence from birth attendants. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22: 600.
- Syed, U, Kinney MV, Pestvenidze, Vandy AO, Slowing K, Kayita J, Lewis AF, Kenneh S, Moses FL, Aabroo A, Thom E, Uzma, Zaka N, Rattana K, Cheang K, Kanke RM, Kini B, Epondo JBE & Moran AC. (2022). Advancing maternal and perinatal health in low- and mididle income-countries: A multi-country review of policies and programmes. Frontiers in Global Women’s Health, 3: 909991.
- Theron M, Swart R, Londani M, Parry C, Petersen Williams P & Harker-Burnams N. (2022). Did COVID-19-Related Alcohol Sales Restrictions Reduce Alcohol Consumption? Findings from a National Online Survey in South Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 2422.
- Toomey E, Wolfenden L, Armstrong R, Booth D, Christensen R, Byrne M, Dobbins M, Katikireddi SVittal, Lavis JN, Maguire T, McHugh S, Schmidt B-M, Mulholland D, Smith M, Devane D. (2022) Knowledge translation interventions for facilitating evidence-informed decision-making amongst health policymakers (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2022, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD009181.
- *Van Ryneveld M, Whyle E & Brady L. (2022). What is COVID-19 teaching us about community health systems? A reflection from a rapid Community-Led mutual aid response in Cape town, South Africa. International journal of health policy and management, 11(Special Issue on CHS-Connect), 5-8.
- van Wyk B & Mayman Y. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on adolescents on HIV treatment. Pan African Medical Journal, 42(120).
- Wehmeyer A, Coetzee R, McCartney J. (2022) Venous thromboembolism risk assessment and prophylaxis in hospitalised medical patients in the Cape Town metropole, South Africa. South African Medical Journal, 112(2): 13506. PMID: 35139994.
- Zembe-Mkabile W, Sanders D, Ramokolo V & Doherty T. (2022). ‘I know what I should be feeding my child’: foodways of primary caregivers of Child Support Grant recipients in South Africa. Global Health Action, 15(1), p.2014045.
Technical Reports
- Schneider H & Mianda S. (2022). District and sub-district stewardship of quality and health outcomes: roles, systems and strategies. School of Public Health and SAMRC Health Services to Systems Research Unit.
Policy Briefs
- Casale M, Ronnie GH & *Oluwaseyi SD. (2022), What makes young people accept help to stay well: a review of interventions in Africa. The Conversation, 20 January 2022.
- United Nations University, University of the Western Cape School of Public Health, Gender & Halth Hub. (2022). Gender and COVID-19 Global Research Agenda: Priorities and Recommendations.
Newspaper articles/blogs/podcasts
- Casale M, Ronnie GH & *Oluwaseyi SD. (2022), What makes young people accept help to stay well: a review of interventions in Africa. The Conversation, 20 January 2022.
- *Catherine Pereira-Kotze (PhD student). 12% of working women in South Africa are domestic workers – yet they don’t receive proper maternity leave or pay. The Conversation. 21 September 2022
- *Catherine Pereira-Kotze and Carla Bernardo. SA’s fragmented maternity protection landscape: Why benefits should be available to all working women. Daily Maverick op-ed. 17 July 2022.
- *Makoma Bopape (PhD student). Maverick Citizen podcast series “What’s eating us” Episode 2 -The disguised malnutrition stalking our kitchen cupboards, 24 August 2022 Episode 3 -Delay, Dilute, Delegitimise, 31 August 2022
- Session 6: Envision a Post-COVID-19 Health System, Session Chair Dr Timothy Grant Evans, Panelists include: Dr Kwok Kian Woon, Dr Shushil Chandra Baral, Dr Asha George, Rob Yates & Dr Anindya Chatterjee, 21 January 2022.
- PhD webinars (internal):
- Transitioning to PhD: Navigating the early stages
Speakers: Josephat Kakoma, Nokwanda Bokolo, Peter Mukasa, Achwanyo Kutjok, Anthony Usenbo,
24 February 2022 - Navigating Ethical Challenges in Research
Speakers: Catherine Pereira-Kotze, Emeke Okonji, Rinko Kinoshita, Jessica Dutton, Willie Siduna,
28 April 2022 - Publishing from the PhD
Speakers: Rifqah Roomaney, Marieke Theron, Fidele Mukinda, Evans Boadu.
30 June 2022 - Food Imbizo. Stepping up: Exposing infant formula marketing tactics
Presenter: Tanya Doherty; Panelist: *Nazeeia Sayed.
16 August 2022. - Managing research and professional skills development during the PhD
Speakers: Akhona Nkwanyana, Annalie WentzelÊ, Makoma Bopape, Ngcwalisa Jama, Manya Van Ryneveld,
25 August 2022 - Celebrating learning
Speakers: Busiso Moyo, Jessica Dutton, *Mary Kinney, *Rifqah Roomaney, Tanya Jacobs,
27 October 2022
- Transitioning to PhD: Navigating the early stages
SOPH ‘In The News’
- *Ngcwalisa Jama (PhD student). Putting heads together. SAMRC: Jive Medica Africa
- Katie Pereira-Kotze (PhD student). ‘Scientific journals must stop promoting breastmilk substitutes’ – UWC academics. Cape Talk interview, 15 February 2022
- Thandi Puoane Listed in ‘Our Wonder Women in Science’, by Armanda Bastos, Fairlady, March/April 2022.
- Renier Coetzee. Appeared on eNCA, the E NUUS – Afrikaans news bulletin, focussing urgency of the release of the TB Recovery Plan. March 25th 2022.
- *Katie Pereira-Kotze (PhD student). ‘Health misinformation: WHO publishes new report on how digital marketing lures women to breast-milk substitutes.’ Daily Maverick interview, 22 April 2022.
- *Katie Pereira-Kotze (PhD student). SA’s fragmented maternity protection landscape. Cape Talk interview. 18 July 2022.
- *Katie Pereira-Kotze (PhD student). Fragmented maternity protection in South Africa – PhD research coverage in the media, eNCA Interview, Thursday 21 July 2022.
- *Zaida Orth (PhD student). Dimensionality of criticality in HPSR and global health: Thoughts from 2022 Emerging Voices for Global Health Fellows. International health policies. 15 September 2022.
- *Rifqah Roomaney
*indicates student or postdoctoral fellow author
Book Chapters
- Puoane T & Tsolekile L. (2021). Self-Management in Diabetes. Chapter 4 In J. Frantz, L Schopp & A. Rhoda. (eds). Self-Management in Chronic Illness: Principles, Practice, and Empowerment Strategies for Better Health. Switzerland AG: Springer Nature: 49-62.
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
- *Assegaai T & Schneider H. (2021). Factors Associated with workplace and interpersonal trust in the supervisory system of a community health worker programme in a rural south African district. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. doi.10.34172/ijhpm.2021.03
- *Assegaai T, Schneider H & Scott V. (2021). Developing a district level supportive supervision framework for community health workers through co-production in South Africa. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 1-10.
- Casale M, Cluver L, Boyes M, Toska E, Gulaid L, Armstrong A, Shenderovich Y, Rudgard WE, Zhou S & Langwenya N. (2021). Bullying and ART Nonadherence Among South African ALHIV: Effects, Risks, and Protective Factors. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 86(4), 436-444. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000002574
- Chitre I, Rede A, Mboya J, Wirtz V, Rockers P & Laing R. (2021). Association between risk factors and mortality in patients with non-communicable diseases in eight Kenyan counties: An observational cohort study. East African Medical Journal, 98(1), 3365-3378.
- De Backer C, Teunissen L, Cuykx I, Decorte P, Pabian S, Gerritsen S, Matthys C, Al Sabbah H, Van Royen K & Corona Cooking Survey Study Group (Mchiza Z). (2021). An Evaluation of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Perceived Social Distancing Policies in Relation to Planning, Selecting, and Preparing Healthy Meals: An Observational Study in 38 Countries Worldwide. Frontiers in nutrition, 7.
- De Man J, Campbell L, Tabana H & Wouters E. (2021). The pandemic of online research in times of COVID-19. BMJ open, 11(2): p.e043866.
- Dzinamarira T, *Mhango M, Dzobo M, Ngara B, Chitungo I, Makanda P, Atwine J, Nkambule SJ & Musuka G. (2021.) Risk factors for COVID-19 among healthcare workers. A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Plos one, 16(5), p.e0250958.
- Engelbrecht B, Gilson L, Barker P, Vallabhjee K, Kantor G, Budden M, Parbhoo A & Lehmann U. (2021). Prioritizing people and rapid learning in times of crisis: A virtual learning initiative to support health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Health Planning and Managment.1–6.]
- Engelbrecht B, Gilson L, Barker P, et al. Prioritizing people and rapid learning in times of crisis: A virtual learning initiative to support health workers during the COVID19 pandemic. Int J Health Plann Mgmt. 2021;1
- Engelbrecht B, Gilson L, Barker P, et al. Prioritizing people and rapid learning in times of crisis: A virtual learning initiative to support health workers during the COVID19 pandemic. Int JHealth Plann Mgmt. 2021;1
- Engelbrecht B, Gilson L, Barker P, et al. Prioritizing people and rapid learning in times of crisis: A virtual learning initiative to support health workers during the COVID19 pandemic. Int JHealth Plann Mgmt. 2021;1
- George AS, *Jacobs T, *Kinney MV, Haakenstad A, Singh NS, Rasanathan K & Chopra M. (2021). Are rhetorical commitments to adolescents reflected in planning documents? An exploratory content analysis of adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Global Financing Facility country plans. Reproductive Health, 18(1), pp.1-13.
- George A, *Jacobs T, Ved R, Jacobs T, Rasanathan K & Zaidi SA. (2021). Adolescent health in the Sustainable Development Goal era: are we aligned for multisectoral action?. BMJ Global Health, 6(3): p.e004448. doi:10.1136/ bmjgh-2020-004448
- Gibson A, Noguchi L, *Kinney MV, Blencowe H, Freedman L, Mofokeng T, Chopra M, Dube Q, Ntirushwa D, Nguku A & Banerjee A. (2021). Galvanizing Collective Action to Accelerate Reductions in Maternal and Newborn Mortality and Prevention of Stillbirths. Global Health: Science and Practice, 9(2).
- Hughes GD, Mbamalu ON, Okonji CO & Puoane TR. (2021). The Impact of Health Disparities on COVID-19 Outcomes: Early Findings from a High-Income Country and Two Middle-Income Countries. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-8.
- Iqbal R, Dehghan M, Mente A, Rangarajan S, Wielgos A, Avezum A, Seron P, AlHabib KF, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Swaminathan S, Mohammadifard N, Zatońska K, Bo H, Varma RV, Rahman O, Yusufali A, Lu Y, Ismail N, Rosengren A, Imeryuz N, Yeates K, Chifamba J, Dans A, Kumar R, Xiaoyun L, Tsolekile L, Khatib R, Diaz R, Teo K, Yusuf S on behalf of the PURE study. (2021). Associations of unprocessed and processed meat intake with mortality and cardiovascular disease in 21 countries [Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) Study]: a prospective cohort study. The American journal of clinical nutrition.
- *Jacobs T & George A. (2021). Democratic South Africa at 25–a conceptual framework and narrative review of the social and structural determinants of adolescent health. Globalization and Health, 17(1):1-11.
- *Jacobs T, George A & *De Jong M. (2021). Policy foundations for transformation: a gender analysis of adolescent health policy documents in South Africa. Health Policy and Planning.
- *Jama NA, Nyembezi A & Lehmann U. (2021). Protocol: Evidence of past and current collaborations between traditional health practitioners and biomedical health practitioners: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 11(1). doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2020-043452
- Jessani NS, Rohwer A, Schmidt BM & Delobelle P. (2021). Integrated knowledge translation to advance noncommunicable disease policy and practice in South Africa: application of the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, and Sustainment (EPIS) framework. Health Research Policy and Systems, 19(1), pp.1-15.
- KC A, Moinuddin M, *Kinney M, Sacks E, Gurung R, Sunny AK, Bhattarai P, Sharma S & Målqvist M. (2021). Mistreatment of newborns after childbirth in health facilities in Nepal: Results from a prospective cohort observational study. PloS one, 16(2), p.e0246352.
- KC A, Peterson SS, Gurung R, Skalkidou A, Gautam J, Malla H, Paudel P, Bhattarai K, Joshi N, Tinkari BS, Adhikari S, Shrestha D, Ghimire B, Sharma S, Khanal L, Dhrestha S, Graham WJ, *Kinney M; on behalf of Nepal Neonatal Network. (2021). The perfect storm: Disruptions to institutional delivery care arising from the COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal. Journal of Global Health, 11.
- Khan G, Kagwanja N, Whyle E, Gilson L, Molyneux S, Schaay N, Tsofa B, Barasa E & Olivier J. (2021). Health system responsiveness: a systematic evidence mapping review of the global literature. International Journal for Equity in Health, 20(1), 1-24.
- *Kinney MV, Walugembe DR, Wanduru P, Waiswa P & George A. (2021). Maternal and perinatal death surveillance and response in low-and middle-income countries: a scoping review of implementation factors. Health Policy and Planning.
- LeFevre A, Chamberlain S, Singh NS, Scott K, Menon P, Barron P, Ved RR & George A. (2021). Avoiding the Road to Nowhere: Policy Insights on Scaling up and Sustaining Digital Health. Global Policy.
- *Louskieter L, Stevens M, George A, Dlamini D & Munshi S. (2021). Co-production of research with sex workers as a political act. (Commentary) The BMJ, 16 February 2021, (Opinion piece)
- Manyaapelo T, Ruiter RAC, Sifunda S, Nyembezi A, van den Borne B & Reddy P. (2021). The psychosocial determinants of the intention to test for HIV among young men in KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa, African Journal of AIDS Research, 20:1, 42-52, DOI: 10.2989/16085906.2020.1861034
- *Mianda S, Todowede OO & Schneider H. (2021). Scoping review protocol of service delivery-related interventions to improve maternal and newborn health in low-income and middle-income countries. BMJ Open, 11(3). doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042952
- *Mothupi MC, De Man J, *Tabana H & Knight L. (2021). Development and testing of a composite index to monitor the continuum of maternal health service delivery at provincial and district level in South Africa. Plos one, 16(5), p.e0252182.
- *Mukinda FK, George A, Van Belle S & Schneider H. (2021). Practice of death surveillance and response for maternal, newborn and child health: a framework and application to a South African health district. BMJ open, 11(5), p.e043783.
- Naito R, Leong DP, Bangdiwala SI, McKee M, Subramanian SV, Rangarajan S, Islam S, Avezum A, Yeates KE, Lear SA, Gupta R, Yusufali A, Dans AL, Szuba A, Alhabib KF, Kaur M, Rahman O, Seron P, Diaz R, Puoane T, Liu W, Zhu Y, Sheng Y, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Chifamba J, Rosnah I, Karsidag K, Kelishadi R, Rosengren A, Khatib R, Leela Itty IAKR, l Azam SI, Koon Teo K, Salim Yusuf S. (2021). Impact of social isolation on mortality and morbidity in 20 high-income, middle-income and low-income countries in five continents. BMJ Global Health, 6(3), e004124.
- *Okeyo I, Lehmann U & Schneider H. (2021). Policy adoption and the implementation woes of the intersectoral first 1000 days of childhood initiative, in the Western Cape province of South Africa. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 10(7), pp.364-375.
- *Okonji F, Okonji C, Mukumbang FC & VanWyk B. (2021). Understanding varying COVID-19 mortality rates reported in Africa compared to Europe, United States of America and Asia. Tropical Medicine & International Health: TM & IH.
- *Okonji EF, Okonji OC, Mukumbang FC & Van Wyk B. (2021). Understanding varying COVID‐19 mortality rates reported in Africa compared to Europe, Americas and Asia. Tropical Medicine & International Health.
- Oliphant NP, Manda S, Daniels K, Odendaal WA, Besada D, *Kinney M, Johansson EW & Doherty T. (2021). Integrated community case management of childhood illness in low‐and middle‐income countries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (2).
- Onagbiye SO, Mchiza ZJR, Ahanonu EL, Bassett SH & Travill A. (2021). Mental Health and Physical Activity: A COVID-19 Viewpoint. The Open Sports Sciences Journal, 14(1).
- Schaaf M, Kapilashrami A, George A, Amin A, Downe S, Boydell V, Samari G, Ruano AL, Nanda P & Khosla R. (2021). Unmasking power as foundational to research on sexual and reproductive health and rights. BMJ Global Health, 6(4), e005482.
- Shenderovich Y, Boyes M, Degli Esposti M, Casale M, Toska E, Roberts KJ & Cluver L. (2021). Relationships with caregivers and mental health outcomes among adolescents living with HIV: a prospective cohort study in South Africa. BMC public health, 21(1): 1-11.
- Swaminathan S, Dehghan M, Raj JM, Thomas T, Rangarajan S, Jenkins D, Mony P, Mohan V, Lear SA, Avezum A, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Rosengren A, Lanas F, AlHabib KF, Dans A, Keskinler MV & Puoane T, Soman B, Wei L, Zatonska K, Diaz R, Ismail N, Chifamba J, Kelishadi R, Yusufali A, Khatib R, Xiaoyun,L Bo H, Iqbal R, Yusuf R, Yeates K, Teo K, Yusuf S. (2021). Associations of cereal grains intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality across 21 countries in Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology study: prospective cohort study. bmj, 372.
- *Yamoah DA, De Man J, Onagbiye SO & Mchiza ZJ. (2021). Exposure of children to unhealthy food and beverage advertisements in South Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(8): 3856.
Technical Reports
Policy Briefs
Vijayasingham L, George A, Lopes C, *Mothupi M, Remme M. (2021). What, Why and How: Gender & COVID-19 Research Agenda-setting. Policy Brief: UNU-IIGH, Gender and Health Hub, UWC-SOPH, 2 February 2021
Newspaper articles/blogs/podcasts
Van Ryneveld M, Whyle E & Brady L. (2021), Cape Town’s response to COVID-19 shows that another kind of society is possible. Minim-municipalism, 1 March 2021.
Research sustainability and the impact of our research. What does this mean?, A presentation by Nathan Sassman and UWC speakers including: Prof Fiona Anciano, Prof Julian May & Prof Asha George, Hosted by UWC DVC: Research & Innovation, Prof José Frantz, 29 April 2021.
Pharmacovigilance and clinical trials oversight in sub-Saharan Africa in the era of COVID-19 with keynote speaker: Dr Helen Ndagije (Director: Product Safety, National Drug Authority, Uganda). Webinar hosted by Dr Hazel Bradley and the SPARCS Project, 12 May 2021.
Books Chapters
Schneider H, Daviaud E, Besada D, Rhode S. and Sanders D. (2020). Ward-based Primary Health Care outreach teams in South Africa, Perry H.B.(ed.). Health for the people: National Community Health Worker Programs from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. Washington DC: USAID, pp.363-380.
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
Absetz P, Van Olmen J, Guwatudde D, Puoane T, Alvesson HM, Delobelle P, Mayega R, Kasujja F, Naggayi G, Timm L and Hassen M. (2020). SMART2D—development and contextualization of community strategies to support self-management in prevention and control of type 2 diabetes in Uganda, South Africa, and Sweden. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 10(1), pp.25-34.
*Adom T, Kengne AP, De Villiers A, Boatin R and Puoane T. (2020). Diagnostic Accuracy of Body Mass Index in Defining Childhood Obesity: Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data from Ghanaian Children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(1), p.36.
Agyapong NAF, Annan RA, Apprey C, Aduku LN and Swart EC. (2020). The association between dietary consumption, anthropometric measures and body composition of rural and urban Ghanaian adults: a comparative cross-sectional study. BMC Nutrition, 6, pp.1-12.
*Amde WK, Sanders D, Sidat M, Nzayirambaho M, Haile-Mariam D and Lehmann U. (2020). The politics and practice of initiating a public health postgraduate programme in three universities in sub-Saharan Africa: the challenges of alignment and coherence. International Journal for Equity in Health, 19(52), pp.1-14.
Arku RE, Brauer M, Ahmed SH, AlHabib KF, Avezum Á, Bo J, Choudhury T, Dans AM, Gupta R, Iqbal R, Ismail N, Puoane T. (2020). Long-term exposure to outdoor and household air pollution and blood pressure in the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological (PURE) study. Environmental Pollution, p.114197.
Ashigbie PG, Laing RO, Wirtz VJ, Nkrumah N, Kemboi A and Nwokike J. (2020). Registration timelines of antiretroviral medicines in Ghana and Kenya. Aids, 34(7), pp.1093-1095. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000002514
Ashish KC, Gurung R, Kinney MV, Sunny AK, Moinuddin M, Basnet O, Paudel P, Bhattarai P, Subedi K, Shrestha MP and Lawn JE. (2020). Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic response on intrapartum care, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality outcomes in Nepal: a prospective observational study. The Lancet Global Health, 8(10), pp.e1273-e1281.
Bhavadharini B, Dehghan M, Mente A, Rangarajan S, Sheridan P, Mohan V, Iqbal R, Gupta R, Lear S, Wentzel-Viljoen E, Avezum A. and Tsolekile L. (2020). Association of dairy consumption with metabolic syndrome, hypertension and diabetes in 147 812 individuals from 21 countries. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 8(1), p.e000826.
Boyes ME, Pantelic M, Casale M, Toska E, Newnham E. and Cluver LD. (2020). Prospective associations between bullying victimisation, internalised stigma, and mental health in South African adolescents living with HIV. Journal of Affective Disorders, 276(1), pp.418-423.
Bigdeli M, Rouffy B, Lane BD, Schmets G, Soucat A, The Bellagio Group. (2020). Health systems governance: the missing links. BMJ Global Health, 5:e002533. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002533
Boulle A, Davies M.A, Hussey H, Ismail M, Morden E, Vundle Z, Zweigenthal V, Mahomed H, Paleker M, Pienaar D, Tembo Y., … Schneider H, et al. (2020). Risk factors for COVID-19 death in a population cohort study from the Western Cape Province, South Africa.Cllinical infectious diseases:.
Campbell L, Masquillier C, Thunnissen E, Ariyo E, Tabana H, Sematlane N, Delport A, Dube LT, Knight L, Flechner TK. and Wouters E. (2020). Social and Structural Determinants of Household Support for ART Adherence in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11), p.3808.
Casale M. (2020). COVID-19: Can this crisis be transformative for global health?. Global Public Health, pp.1-13.
Casale M. (2020). Pathways and Processes Linking Social Support to Health: Development of an Exploratory Model With South African Caregivers. Qualitative Health Research, p.1049732320966584.
Catley D, Puoane T, Goggin K, Tsolekile L.P, Resnicow K, Fleming K, Smyth J.M, Hurley E.A, Schlachter S, Vitolins M.Z, Lambert E.V, Hassen M, Muhali K and Schoor R.(2020). Adapting the Diabetes Prevention Program for low-and middle-income countries: preliminary implementation findings from lifestyle Africa. Translational Behavioral Medicine.
The WHO–UNICEF–Lancet Commissioners. (2020). After COVID-19, a future for the world’s children? A WHO–UNICEF–Lancet Commission. The Lancet, 395, pp.605-658. S0140-6736(19)32540-1 (Doherty T, and George AS,)
The WHO–UNICEF–Lancet Commissioners. 2020. Comment: After COVID-19, a future for the world’s children? The Lancet. Volume 396, Aug 2020 (first published online 2 July) S0140-6736(20)31481-
Cleary S, Orangi S, Garman E, Tabani H, Schneider M and Lund C. (2020). Economic burden of maternal depression among women with a low income in Cape Town, South Africa. BJPsych Open, 6(3).
Corbin JH, Mweemba O, Ottemöller FG, Pederson A, Leitch S, Boston-Fisher N, Matenga TFL, Delobelle P, Ayele C and Wicker J. (2020). Deconstructing hegemonic epistemologies: an urgent call for anti-racist scholarship for health promotion and Black lives. Editorial. Health Promotion International, 35, pp 889-891. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daaa108
De Man J, Wouters E, Delobelle P, Puoane T, Daivadanam M, Absetz P, Remmen R. and Van Olmen J. (2020). Testing a Self-Determination Theory Model of Healthy Eating in a South African Township. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, p.2181.
de Souza IM, Hughes GD, van Wyk BE, Mathews V. and de Araújo EM. (2020). Comparative Analysis of the Constitution and Implementation of Race/Skin Color Field in Health Information Systems: Brazil and South Africa. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, pp.1-13.
Doherty T, Horwood C, Haskins L, Magasana V, Goga A, Feucht U, Sanders D, Tylleskar T, Kauchali S, Dhansay MA and Rollins N. 2020. Breastfeeding advice for reality: Women’s perspectives on primary care support in South Africa. Maternal & child nutrition, 16(1), p.e12877.
*Dutton J and Knight L. (2020). Reproducing neglect in the place of care: Normalised violence within Cape Town Midwifery Obstetric Units. Agenda, pp.1-9.
Egbe CO, London L, Kalideen S, Delobelle P. and Datay I.(2020). The need to regulate electronic cigarettes amidst health concerns: Let’s follow the evidence. South African Medical Journal, 110(3), pp.178-179.
*Erasmus MO, Knight L. and Dutton J. (2020). Barriers to accessing maternal health care amongst pregnant adolescents in South Africa: a qualitative study. International Journal of Public Health (2020).
Falconer NS, Casale M, Kuo C, Nyberg BJ, Hillis SD and Cluver LD.(2020). Factors That Protect Children From Communi\ty Violence: Applying the INSPIRE Model to a Sample of South African Children. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, p.0886260519898425.
Katz IT, Bogart LM, Fitzmaurice GM, Staggs VS, Gwadz MV, Bassett IV, Cross A, Courtney I, Tsolekile L, Panda R. and Steck S. (2020). The Treatment Ambassador Program: A Highly Acceptable and Feasible Community-Based Peer Intervention for South Africans Living with HIV Who Delay or Discontinue Antiretroviral Therapy. AIDS and Behavior, pp.1-15.
*Kinney MV, Ajayi G, de Graft-Johnson J, Hill K, Khadka N, Om’Iniabohs A, Mukora-Mutseyekwa F, Tayebwa E, Shittu O, Lipingu C, Kerber K, George A, et al. (2020). “It might be a statistic to me, but every death matters.”: An assessment of facility-level maternal and perinatal death surveillance and response systems in four sub-Saharan African countries. PloSone, 15(12),p.e0243722.
Kruger HS, Seru T, Mchiza ZJ and Speakman JR. (2020). The relationship between female adiposity and physical attractiveness amongst adults in rural Ranaka village, Botswana. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 33(1), pp.17-22.
George AS, Amin A, de Abreu Lopes CM and Ravindran TS. (2020). Structural determinants of gender inequality: why they matter for adolescent girls’ sexual and reproductive health. bmj, 368.
George A, McConville F, deVries S, Nigenda G, Sarfraz S, McIsaac M. Violence against women health workers: The tip of the iceberg of gender power relations in global health. BMJ, ;371:m354. doi:
Gilson L, Ellokor S, Lehmann U and Brady L. (2020). Organizational change and everyday health system resilience: Lessons from Cape Town, South Africa. Social Science & Medicine, 266, p.113407.
Gilson L, Marchal B, Ayepong I, Barasa E, Dossou J, George A, Guinaran R, Maceira D, Molyneux S, Prashanth NS, Schneider H, Shawar Y, Shiffman JR, Sheikh K, Spicer N, Van Belle S and Whyle E. (2020). What role can health policy and systems research play in supporting responses to COVID-19 that strengthen socially just health systems? Health Policy and Planning,
Goga A, Doherty T, Manda S, Nkwenika T, Haskins L, John V, Ingunn M S Engebretsen IMS., Feucht U, Dhansay A, Rollins N, Kroon M, Sanders D, Kauchali S, Tylleskär T, Horwood, C. Translating new evidence into clinical practice: a quasi- experimental controlled before–after study evaluating the effect of a novel outreach mentoring approach on knowledge, attitudes and confidence of health workers providing HIV and infant feeding counselling in South Africa. BMJ Open; 10:e034770. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034770
Kabongo EM., Mukumbang FC., Delobelle, P and Nicole, E. (2020). Combining the theory of change and realist evaluation approaches to elicit an initial program theory of the MomConnect program in South Africa. BMC Medical Research Methodology 20, 282 (2020).
Langlois EV, McKenzie A, Schneider H and Mecaskey JW. (2020). Measures to strengthen primary health-care systems in low-and middle-income countries. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 98(11), p.781.
LeFevre AE, Shah N, Bashingwa J.J.H, George AS and Mohan D. (2020). Does women’s mobile phone ownership matter for health? Evidence from 15 countries. BMJ Global Health, 5(5), p.e002524.
Leitch S, Corbin JH, Boston-Fisher N, Ayele C, Delobelle P, Gwanzura Ottemöller F, Matenga TFL, Mweemba O, Pederson A and Wicker J. (2020). Black lives matter in health promotion: moving from unspoken to outspoken. Health Promotion International.
Long K.N, Chandy S.J, Feeley R, Laing R.O, Laird L.D and Wirtz, V.J. (2020). Mission hospital responses to challenges and implications for their future role in India’s health system. Christian Journal for Global Health, 7(2), pp.19-36.
Mac-Seing M, Zinszer K, Eryong B, Ajok E, Ferlatte O and Zarowsky C. (2020). The intersectional jeopardy of disability, gender and sexual and reproductive health: Experiences and recommendations of women and men with disabilities in Northern Uganda. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, (just-accepted), pp.1-27.
Masquillier C, Wouters E, Campbell L, *Delport A, *Sematlane N, *Dube LT and Knight L (2020) Households in HIV Care: Designing an Intervention to Stimulate HIV Competency in Households in South Africa. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, p.246.
Masquillier C, Knight L, Campbell L, *Sematlane N, *Delport A, *Dube T and Wouters E.(2020). Sinako, a study on HIV competent households in South Africa: a cluster-randomised controlled trial protocol. Trials, 21(1), p.154.
McClure EM, *Kinney MV, Leisher SH, Nam SL, Quigley P, Storey C, Christou A, Blencowe H, on behalf of the Stillbirth Advocacy Working Group. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 on maternal and child health. Lancet Global Health.
Mchiza ZJR and Parker WA.(2020). Physical attractiveness: beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it changes with time and changing enviroments. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 33(1), pp. 3-4.
Mchiza ZJR, Parker WA, Sewpaul R, Onagbiye SO and Labadarios D. (2020). Body image and the double burden of nutrition among South Africans from diverse sociodemographic backgrounds: SANHANES-1. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(3), p.887.
Mathias CT, Mianda S. and Ginindza TG. (2020). Facilitating factors and barriers to accessibility and utilization of kangaroo mother care service among parents of low birth weight infants in Mangochi District, Malawi: a qualitative study. BMC Pediatrics, 20, 355.
Moeng-Mahlangu LT, Monyeki MA, Reilly JJ, Mchiza ZJ, Moleah T, Loechl CU, et al. (2020). Level of agreement between objectively determined body compositionand perceived body image in 6 to 8-year-oldSouth African children: The Body Composition–Isotope Technique study. PLoS ONE 15(8): e0237399. pone.0237399
Mohan D, Bashingwa JJH, Tiffin N, Dhar D, Mulder N, George A. and LeFevre AE. (2020). Does having a mobile phone matter? Linking phone access among women to health in India: An exploratory analysis of the National Family Health Survey. PloS one, 15(7), p.e0236078.
Mouton JP, Jobanputra N, Njuguna C, Gunter H, Stewart A, Mehta U, Court R, Igumbor E, Maartens G and Cohen K. (2020). Adult medical emergency unit presentations due to adverse drug reactions in a setting of high HIV prevalence. African Journal of Emergency Medicine.
*Mothupi MC, Knight L and Tabana H. (2020). Improving the validity, relevance and feasibility of the continuum of care framework for maternal health in South Africa: a thematic analysis of experts’ perspectives. Health Research Policy and Systems, 18(1), pp.1-14.
*Moyo BH. and Thow AMT. (2020). Fulfilling the Right to Food for South Africa: Justice, Security, Sovereignty and the Politics of Malnutrition. World Nutrition, 11(3), pp.112-152.
*Mukinda FK, Van Belle S. and Schneider H. (2020). Perceptions and experiences of frontline health managers and providers on accountability in a South African health district. International Journal for Equity in Health, 19(1), pp.1-11.
Mukumbang FC, *Kriel E, van Wyk B. and Kruger JA. (2020). Desperate times call for desperate measures: Adapting antiretroviral service delivery in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. South African Medical Journal, 110(8), pp.711-712. v110i8.14967
Mukumbang FC, and van Wyk B. (2020). Leveraging the Photovoice Methodology for Critical Realist Theorizing. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19.
*Munyayi FK and van Wyk B.(2020). The effects of Teen Clubs on retention in HIV care among adolescents in Windhoek, Namibia. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine, 21(1), p.9.
*Munyayi FK and van Wyk B.(2020). The Comparison of Teen Clubs vs. Standard Care on Treatment Outcomes for Adolescents on Antiretroviral Therapy in Windhoek, Namibia. AIDS Research and Treatment Article ID 8604276 |,
Murphy A, Palafox B, Walli-Attaei M, Powell-Jackson T, Rangarajan S, Alhabib KF, Calik KBT, Chifamba J, Choudhury T, Dagenais G, Dans AL, Tsolekile L, et al. (2020). The household economic burden of non-communicable diseases in 18 countries. BMJ Global Health, 5(2).
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*Nandi S. and Schneider H. (2020). Using an equity-based framework for evaluating publicly funded health insurance programmes as an instrument of UHC in Chhattisgarh State, India. Health Research Policy and Systems, 18(1), pp.1-14.
*Ncube NB, Knight L, Bradley HA, Schneider H. and Laing R. (2020). Health system actors’ perspectives of prescribing practices in public health facilities in Eswatini: A Qualitative Study. Plos one, 15(7), p.e0235513.
*Noshir C, Cooper D. and Mohamed S. (2020). School return post-childbirth: barriers for Seychellois teenage mothers. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, pp.1-5.
*Nmadu AG, Mohamed S. and Usman NO. (2020). Adolescents’ utilization of reproductive health services in Kaduna, Nigeria: the role of stigma. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, pp.1-11.
*Nmadu AG, Mohamed S. and Usman NO. (2020). Barriers to adolescents’ access and utilisation of reproductive health services in a community in north-western Nigeria: A qualitative exploratory study in primary care. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 12(1), pp.1-8.
Odunitan-Wayas FA, Okop KJ, Dover RV, Alaba OA, Micklesfield LK, Puoane T, Levitt NS, Battersby J, Meltzer ST. and Lambert EV. (2020). Food purchasing behaviour of shoppers from different South African socio-economic communities: results from grocery receipts, intercept surveys and in-supermarkets audits. Public Health Nutrition, pp.1-12.
*Okeyo I, Lehmann U and Schneider H. (2020). Policy Adoption and the Implementation Woes of the Intersectoral First 1000 Days of Childhood Initiative, In the Western Cape Province of South Africa. International journal of health policy and management.
*Okeyo I, Lehmann U and Schneider H. (2020). The impact of differing frames on early stages of intersectoral collaboration: the case of the First 1000 Days Initiative in the Western Cape Province. Health Research Policy and Systems 18, 3, pp 1-14.
*Okonji EF., Mukumbang FC, *Orth, Z, Vickerman-Delport, SA. And van Wyk, B. (2020). Psychosocial support interventions for improved adherence and retention in ART care for young people living with HIV (10–24 years): a scoping review. BMC Public Health 20, 1841
Onagbiye SO, Tsolekile LP. and Puoane T. (2020). Knowledge of Non-communicable Disease Risk Factors among Community Health Workers in South Africa. The Open Public Health Journal, 13(1).
Onagbiye S.O, Lungiswa T and Thandi P. (2020). Association between Selected Food Purchase Practices, Physical Activity and Sociodemographic Factors among People Living in a Low Socioeconomic Peri-Urban and Rural Area of South Africa. The Open Public Health Journal, 13(1).
Onagbiye SO, Mchiza ZJR, Bassett SH, Travill A and Eijnde BO. (2020). Novel coronavirus and regular physical activity involvement: Opinion. Afr J Prm Health Care Fam Med, 12(1), a2453. v12i1.2453
*Orth Z, Andipatin M, Mukumbang FC. and van Wyk B. (2020). Applying Qualitative Methods to Investigate Social Actions for Justice Using Social Media: Illustrations From Facebook. Social Media+ Society, 6(2), p.2056305120919926.
*Orth Z, Andipatin M and van Wyk B. (2020). “These Women are Making a Statement Against Rape and yet the only Thing Y’All can Focus on is ‘Eww They’re Naked’”: Exploring Rape Culture on Facebook in South Africa. Gender Issues, pp.1-17.
*Orth Z. and van Wyk, B. (2020). Adolescent mental wellness: a systematic review protocol of instruments measuring general mental health and well-being. BMJ open, 10(8), p.e037237.
*Orth Z, van Wyk B. and Andipatin M. (2020). “What Does The University Have To Do With It?”: Perceptions Of Rape Culture On Campus And The Role Of University Authorities. South African Journal of Higher education, 34(2), pp. 191-209.
Pantelic M, Casale M, Cluver L, Toska E. and Moshabela M. (2020). Multiple forms of discrimination and internalized stigma compromise retention in HIV care among adolescents: findings from a South African cohort. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 23(5), p.e25488.
*Pereira-Kotze C, Doherty T and Swart EC. (2020). Use of social media platforms by manufacturers to market breast-milk substitutes in South Africa. BMJ Global Health, 5(12), p.e003574.
*Roomaney RA, Van Wyk B, Turawa EB, Pillay-Van Wyk V. (2020). Prevalence of multimorbidity in South Africa: A systematic review protocol. BMJ Open, 10:e042889. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042889
Schaaf M, Boydell V, Van Belle S, Brinkerhoff DW. and George A. (2020). Accountability for SRHR in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, p.1.
Schatz E, Knight L, Belli RF and Mojola SA. (2020). Assessing the feasibility of a life history calendar to measure HIV risk and health in older South Africans. PloS one, 15(1), p.e0226024.
Schneider H, George A, *Mukinda F and Tabana H. (2020). District Governance and Improved Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health in South Africa: Pathways of Change, Health Systems & Reform, 6:1, e1669943, DOI:10.1080/23288604.2019.1669943.
*Siduna W, Bradley H and Laing R. (2020). A comparative analysis of asthma treatment guidelines and Essential Medicine Lists in sub-Saharan Africa. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 24(12), pp.1294-1298.
Solomons N, Kruger HS and Puoane T. (2020). Association between dietary adherence, anthropometric measurements and blood pressure in an urban black population, South Africa. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 33(1), pp.1-9.
*Spires M, Berggreen-Clausen A, Kasujja FX, Delobelle P, Puoane T, Sanders D and Daivadanam M. (2020). Snapshots of Urban and Rural Food Environments: EPOCH-Based Mapping in a High-, Middle-, and Low-Income Country from a Non-Communicable Disease Perspective.Nutrients, 12(2), p.484.
*Spires M, Delobelle P, Sanders D and Puoane T. (2020). Using photography to explore people with diabetes’ perspectives on food environments in urban and rural South Africa, Health Promotion International, daaa035,
Teddy G, Lembani M, Hwabamungu B and Molosiwa D. (2020). Policy and implementation gap: A multi-country perspective. International Journal of Advanced Research, 7(12), pp. 678-704.
The RESYST/DIAHLS Learning site team. (2020). Learning sites for health system governance in Kenya and South Africa: reflecting on our experience. Health Research Policy and Systems, 18(44). (Lehmann U, Schaay N, Schneider H, Scott V)
The Western Cape HPSR Journal Club Team. (2020). “Not just a journal club – it’s where the magic happens”: knowledge mobilization through co-production for health system development in the Western Cape province, South Africa. International Journal of Health Policy Management. doi:10.34172/ijhpm.2020.128 (George A, Lehmann U, Okeyo I, Schaay N, Schneider H)
Teti M and van Wyk B. (2020). Qualitative Methods Without Borders: Adapting Photovoice: From a U.S. to South African Setting. International Journal of Qualitative Methods.
Umeh CA, Garcia-Gonzalez P, Tremblay D and Laing RO. (2020). The survival of patients enrolled in a global direct-to-patient cancer medicine donation program: The Glivec International Patient Assistance Program (GIPAP). EClinicalMedicine, 19.
Umeh CA, Rockers PC, Laing RO, Wagh O and Wirtz VJ. (2020). Pharmaceutical industry-led partnerships focused on addressing the global burden of non-communicable diseases: a review of Access Accelerated. Public Health, 181, pp.73-79.
Umeh CA, Rockers PC, Laing RO, Wagh O. and Wirtz V.J. (2020). Public reporting on pharmaceutical industry-led access programs: alignment with the WHO medicine programs evaluation checklist. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 13(1), pp.1-9.
Van Ryneveld M, Mwangome M, Kahindi J. and Jones C. (2020). Mothers’ experiences of exclusive breastfeeding in a postdischarge home setting. Maternal & Child Nutrition, p.e13016.
Van Ryneveld M, Schneider H, and Lehmann U. (2020). Looking back to look forward: a review of human resources for health governance in South Africa from 1994 to 2018. Human Resources for Health, 18, 92 (2020).
Van Ryneveld M, Whyle E. and Brady L. (2020). What Is COVID-19 Teaching Us About Community Health Systems? A Reflection From a Rapid Community-Led Mutual Aid Response in Cape Town, South Africa. International journal of health policy and management. doi: 10.34172/IJHPM.2020.167
van Wyk B, *Kriel E. and Mukumbang F. (2020). Retention in care for adolescents who were newly initiated on antiretroviral therapy in the Cape Metropole in South Africa. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine, 21(1), p.8.
van Wyk B, *Kriel E. and Mukumbang F. (2020). Two-year viral load suppression among adolescents receiving antiretroviral therapy in the Cape Metropole, South Africa, 2013 – 2015: A retrospective cohort analysis. The South African Medical Journal, 110(12)
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Walli-Attaei M, Joseph P, Rosengren A, Chow C.K, Rangarajan S, Lear SA, AlHabib KF, Davletov K, Dans A, Lanas F, Yeates K, Tsolekile LP, et al. (2020). Variations between women and men in risk factors, treatments, cardiovascular disease incidence, and death in 27 high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries (PURE): a prospective cohort study. The Lancet. S0140-6736(20)30543-2
*Warri D. and George A. (2020). Perceptions of pregnant women of reasons for late initiation of antenatal care: a qualitative interview study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20(1), pp.1-12.
Technical Reports
Barasa E, Mothupi MC, Guleid F, Nwosu C, Kabia E, Araba D, Orangi S, Muraya K, Gitaka J. and Marsh K. (2020). Health And Socio-Economic impacts of Physical Distancing for Covid-19 in Africa. KEMRI
Barasa E, Mothupi MC, Guleid F, Nwosu C, Kabia E, Araba D, Orangi S, Muraya K, Gitaka J and Marsh K. (2020). Policy Brief: What are the health and socio-economic impacts of physical Distancing in African countries and how can they be mitigated? Health And Socio-Economic impacts of Physical Distancing for Covid-19 in Africa. KEMRI
*Okeyo I, Lehmann U, Schneider H. The First Thousand Days within the Western Cape Whole of Society Approach: Lessons for the collaborative governance of intersectoral action for health. Technical Report. Cape Town: School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape, 2020
Schneider H with the Chaminuka Collective. Lenses, metaphors and research priorities on community health systems: Workshop Report. Chaminuka Lodge, Lusaka, Zambia, 10-14 June 2019.
UNICEF. (2020). Beyond Masks: Societal impacts of COVID-19 and accelerated solutions for children and adolescents. (Casale M)
Newspaper articles/blogs/podcasts
Brady L, Notywala A, Ryklief A, Swartbooi N, van Ryneveld M and Whyle E. (2020). The power of people caring for those affected by Covid-19. Daily Maverick, 13 April 2020.
CAN Activists. (2020). Cape Town Together: Organising in a city of islands. Daily Maverick, 30 June 2020.
Doherty T, George A. and Tomlinson M. (2020). We need to act now for the sake of our children. The Journalist, 25 August 2020.
Gilson L. and Lehmann U. (2020).Reflections on COVID-19 from health systems perspectives: Digest 1&2&3.Collaboration for health systems analysis and innovation (CHESAI), 21 April 2020.
Kinney M. (2020). Collaboration for health systems analysis and innovation (CHESAI). Evaluating women’s voice in the politics of new born health, Tweet, 3 March, viewed 05 March 2020,
Tomlinson M, George AS, Doherty T.(2020).’’Drastic action is needed to ensure a better future for South Africa’s children,’’ The Conversation, 3 March 2020.
Somefun OD. and Adebay K. (2020). ‘’ Africa’s research ecosystem needs a culture of mentoring’’ The Conversation, 4 August 2020.
Somefun, AD. and Casale, M. (2020). How to keep adolescents’ social networks strong in a disrupted world. The Conversation, 15 October 2020
Van Ryneveld M, Lehmann U. and Schneider H. (2020). Stronger governance is at the heart of addressing the health workforce crisis. Spotlight, 7 September 2020.
Whyle E, van Rynveld M, Brady L. and Radebe B. (2020). Sparks, flames and blazes: Epidemiological and social firefighting for Covid-19. Daily Maverick, 24 April 2020.
Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Disease Preparedness (GLOPID-R), Covid-19 Research synergies Meetings. Social Sciecnes Session held July 21, 2020. Asha George was discussant and rapporteur; Manya van Ryneveld was panellist on the session on Governance
Global Health Policy Research Forum- A policy lens on complex health and social welfare problems. Panel presentation by Waasila Jassat, ‘The decentralised drug-resistant TB programme in South Africa: From policy to implementation’ 1 December 2020
WHO Webinar Inequities In Covid-19 Infection And Mortality: Socioeconomic Risk Factors And Populations At Risk ,Vera Scott in panel discussion 4 November 2020
World Health Summit: Lessons and emerging priorities 25 years after the Beijing Platform for Action for Women ,Asha George in panel discussion based on a series of papers commissioned by the British Medical Journal, as part of a joint collection with the United Nations University and the World Health Organization, 27 October 2020 as part of World Health Summit
Food, health and co-morbidity with infectious disease, A talk by Thandi Puoane, Food Dialogues webinar series, 29 July 2020; and Panel Discussion on 12 August 2020
Risk, non-communicable diseases and ultra-processed food, A talk by Zandile Mchiza, Food Dialogues webinar series, 29 July 2020
Nutrition in Pregnancy and Early Childhood during the COVID-19 Pandemic, panel discussion with Catherine Pereira and others , Beth Davids International, 21 July 2020
Now is the time to transform care for newborns, panel discussion with Mary Kinney and Ajay Khera, 6 May 2020, part of WHO Survive and thrive: transforming care for small and sick newborns webinars
* = student author
Shung-King M, Lake L, Sanders D & Hendricks M (eds) (2019) South African Child Gauge 2019. Cape Town: Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town.
Chapters in Books
Sanders D , Hendricks M, Kroll F , Puoane T, Ramokolo V , Swart R and Tsolekile L (eds). (2019). The triple burden of malnutrition in childhood: Causes, policy implementation and recommendations. In Shung-King, M, Lake, L, Sanders, D and Hendricks, M (Eds). South African Child Gauge 2019. Cape Town: Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town, pp 145-160.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Adebiyi B.O, Mukumbang F.C, Beytell A.M.(2019). To what extent is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder considered in policy-related documents in South Africa? A document review. Health Research Policy and Systems, 17.
Adebiyi B.O, Mukumbang F.C, Cloete L.G, BeytellA.M. (2019). Policymakers’ perspectives towards developing a guideline to inform policy on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a qualitative study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(6), p.945.
Adebiyi B.O, Mukumbang F.C, Erasmus C. (2019). The Distribution of Available Prevention and Management Interventions for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (2007 to 2017): Implications for Collaborative Actions. International Journal of Environmental Research andPpublic Health, 16(12), p.2244.
*Adom T, Kengne A.P, De Villiers A, & Puoane, T. (2019) Association between school-level attributes and weight status of Ghanaian primary school children, BMC Public Health, 19.
*Adom T, De Villiers A, Puoane T and Kengne A.P .(2019). Prevalence and correlates of overweight and obesity among school children in an urban district in Ghana. BMC obesity, 6(1), p.14.
Al-Murani F, Aweko J, Nordin I, Delobelle P, Kasujja F.X, Östenson C.G. Peterson S.S, Daivadanam, M, Alvesson H.M. (2019). Community and stakeholders’ engagement in the prevention and management of Type 2 diabetes: a qualitative study in socioeconomically disadvantaged suburbs in region Stockholm. Global Health Action, 12(1), p.1609313.
*Amde W.K, Marchal B, Sanders D and Lehmann U.(2019). Determinants of effective organisational capacity training: lessons from a training programme on health workforce development with participants from three African countries. BMC Public Health, 19(1), p.1557.
ANSER, Ogbe E, Van Braeckel D, Temmerman M, Larsson E.C, Keygnaert I, De los Reyes Aragón W, Cheng F, Lazdane G, Cooper D, Shamu S, Gichangi, P, Dias, S, Barrett, H, Nobels, Pei, K., Galle, A, Esho, T, Knight, L ,Tabana, H , Degomme, O. (2018). Opportunities for linking research to policy: lessons learned from implementation research in sexual and reproductive health within the ANSER network. Health research policy and systems, 16(1), p.123.
*Assegaai T, Schneider H. (2019). National guidance and district-level practices in the supervision of community health workers in South Africa: a qualitative study. Human Resources for Health, 17.
*Assegaai T, Schneider H.(2019). The supervisory relationships of community health workers in primary health care: social network analysis of ward-based outreach teams in Ngaka Modiri Molema District, South Africa. BMJ Global Health, 4(6).
Beran D, Laing R.O, Kaplan W, Knox R, Sharma A, Wirtz V.J, Frye J, Ewen M.(2019). A perspective on global access to insulin: a descriptive study of the market, trade flows and prices. Diabetic Medicine, 36(6), 726-733.
*Birungi F.M, Graham S.M, Uwimana J, Musabimana A., van Wyk B. (2019). Adherence toisoniazid preventive therapy among child contactsin Rwanda: A mixed-methods study. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0211934.
Bodini C, Baum F, Labonté R, Legge D, Sanders D, Sengupta A. (2019). Methodological challenges in researching activism in action: civil society engagement towards health for all. Critical Public Health.
Boydell V, Schaaf M, George A, Brinkerhoff D.W, Van Belle S. and Khosla R. (2019). Building a transformative agenda for accountability in SRHR: lessons learned from SRHR and accountability literatures. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 27(2), pp.64-75.
Boyes M.E, Cluver L.D, Meinck F, Casale M, Newnham E. (2019). Mental health in South African adolescents living with HIV: correlates of internalising and externalising symptoms. AIDS Care, 31(1), pp.95-104.
Brady L, De Vries S, Gallow R, George A, Gilson L, Louw M, Martin A.W, Shamis, Stuart T. (2019). Paramedics, poetry, and film: health policy and systems research at the intersection of theory, art, and practice. Human Resources for Health, 17(1), p.64.
Brown A, Harries J, Cooper D, Morroni C. (2019). Perspectives on contraceptive implant use in women living with HIV in Cape Town, South Africa: a qualitative study among primary healthcare providers and stakeholders. BMC Public Health, 19(1), p.1003.
*Cailhol J, Gilson L. and Lehmann U. (2019). A decade of aid coordination in post-conflict Burundi’s health sector. Globalization and health, 15(1), p.25.
Carbone N.B, Njala J, Jackson D.J, Eliya M.T, Chilangwa C, Tseka J, Zulu T, Chinkonde J.R, Sherman J, Zimba C and Mofolo I.A. (2019). “I would love if there was a young woman to encourage us, to ease our anxiety which we would have if we were alone”: Adapting the Mothers2Mothers Mentor Mother Model for adolescent mothers living with HIV in Malawi. PloS one, 14(6).
Casale M, Boyes M, Pantelic M, Toska E, Cluver L.(2019). Suicidal thoughts and behaviour among South African adolescents living with HIV: Can social support buffer the impact of stigma? Journal of Affective Disorders, 245, pp.82-90.
Casale M, Carlqvist A, Cluver L. (2019). Recent Interventions to Improve Retention in HIV Care and Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment Among Adolescents and Youth: A Systematic Review. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 33(6), pp.237-252. doi: 10.1089/apc.2018.0320
Catley D, Puoane T, Tsolekile L, Resnicow K, Fleming K, Hurley E.A, Smyth J.M, Vitolins M.Z, Lambert E.V, Levitt N and Goggin K.(2019). Adapting the Diabetes Prevention Program for low and middle-income countries: protocol for a cluster randomised trial to evaluate ‘Lifestyle Africa’. BMJ open, 9(11).
Cooper D, Green G, Tembo D, *Christie S. (2019). Levels of resilience and delivery of HIV care in response to urban violence and crime. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(8), 1723-1731.
Coutsoudis A, Sanders D, Dhansay M.A, Van Stuijvenberg M.E and Benn C.S. (2019). Is it time for South Africa to end the routine high-dose vitamin A supplementation programme? SAMJ: South African Medical Journal, 109(12), pp.907-910.
De Jong M, Collins A and Plüg S. (2019). “To be healthy to me is to be free”: how discourses of freedom are used to construct healthiness among young South African adults. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 14(1), p.1603518.
Delobelle P. (2019). Big Tobacco, Alcohol, and Food and NCDs in LMICs: An Inconvenient Truth and Call to Action; Comment on “Addressing NCDs: Challenges From Industry Market Promotion and Interferences”. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. Int J Health Policy Manag 2019, x(x), 1–5
De Man J, Aweko J, Daivadanam M, Alvesson H.M, Delobelle P, Mayega R.W, Östenson C.G, Kirunda B, Kasujja F.X, Guwattude D, Puoane T, Sanders D, Peterson S, Tomson G, Sundberg C.J, Absetz P, Van Olmen J. (2019). Diabetes self-management in three different income settings: Cross-learning of barriers and opportunities. PLOS One, 14(3), p.e0213530.
Doherty T. and *Kinney M. (2019). Low birthweight: will new estimates accelerate progress?. The Lancet Global Health, 7(7), pp.e809-e810.
Duong M, Islam S, Rangarajan S, Leong D, Kurmi O, Teo K, Killian K, Dagenais G, Lear S, Wielgosz A, Nair, S and Igumbor E.U. (2019). Mortality and cardiovascular and respiratory morbidity in individuals with impaired FEV1 (PURE): an international, community-based cohort study. The Lancet Global Health, 7(5), pp.e613-e623.
*Dzomeku, V., Van Wyk B. and Lori, J., (2019). An Integrative Literature Review of Interventions Addressing Knowledge, Attitudes, and Skills of Health Team to Achieve Best Maternal Outcomes. Journal of Midwifery and Reproductive Health, 7(4), pp.1971-1980.
Essack Z., Ngcobo N., Van der Pol N., Knight L., Rochat T., Mkhize M. and Van Rooyen H.(2019). Refining interventions through formative research: a focus on ethical considerations in a family-based home-based counseling and testing (FBCT) intervention in KwaZulu-Natal. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, p.1556264619885214.
Fuhr DC, Weobong B, Lazarus A, Vanobberghen F, Weiss HA, Singla DR, Tabana H, Afonso E, De Sa A, D’Souza E, Joshi A, Korgaonkar P, Krishna R, Price LN, Rahman A, Patel V. (2019). Delivering the Thinking Healthy Programme for perinatal depression through peers: an individually randomised controlled trial in India. Lancet Psychiatry, 6(2):115-127.
George A.S, Amin A, GarcÍa-Moreno C, Sen G. ( 2019). Gender equality and health: laying the foundations for change. The Lancet, 393(10189), pp.2369-2371.
George A, LeFevre A.E, *Jacobs T, *Kinney M, Buse K, Chopra M, Daelmans B, Haakenstad A, Huicho L, Khosla R, Rasanathan K, Sanders D, Singh N.S, Tiffin N, Ved R, Zaidi SA, Schneider H.(2019). Lenses and levels: the why, what and how of measuring health system drivers of women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health with a governance focus. BMJ Global Health, 4(Suppl 4), p.e001316.
George A, Olivier J, Glandon D, Kapilashrami A and Gilson L. (2019). Health systems for all in the SDG era: key reflections based on the Liverpool statement for the fifth global symposium on health systems research. Health policy and planning, 34(Supplement_2), pp.ii135-ii138.
Glandon D, Mondal S, *Okeyo I, Zaidi S, Khan M.S, Dar O and Bennett S. (2019). Methodological gaps and opportunities for studying multisectoral collaboration for health in low-and middle-income countries. Health policy and planning, 34(Supplement_2), pp.ii7-ii17.
Goga A.E, Dinh T.H, Essajee S, Chirinda W, Larsen A, Mogashoa M, Jackson D, Cheyip M, Ngandu N, Modi S and Bhardwaj S.(2019). What will it take for the Global Plan priority countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV?. BMC infectious diseases, 19(1), p.783.
Goga A, Singh Y, Jackson D, Pillay Y, Bhardwaj S, Chirinda W, Hayashi C, Essajee S and Idele, P., 2019. Is elimination of vertical transmission of HIV in high prevalence settings achievable?. BMJ, 364, p.l687.
Goga A, Singh Y, Jackson D, Mukungunugwa S, Wafula R, Eliya M, Ng’ambi W.F, Nabitaka L, Chirinda W, Bhardwaj S and Essajee S.(2019). How are countries in sub-Saharan African monitoring the impact of programmes to prevent vertical transmission of HIV?. bmj, 364, p.l660.
Gutreuter S, Igumbor E, Wabiri N, Desai M, Durand L. (2019) Improving estimates of district HIV prevalence and burden in South Africa using small area estimation techniques. PLOS ONE 14(2): e0212445.
Hanson K, Rasanathan K and George A. (2019). The State of Health Policy and Systems Research: Reflections From the 2018 5th Global Symposium.Health Policy and Planning, 34(Supp 2), p.ii1-ii3.
*Hill J, Mchiza Z, Puoane T and Steyn N.P. (2019). The development of an evidence-based street food vending model within a socioecological framework: A guide for African countries. PloS one, 14(10), p.e0223535.
*Hill J, Mchiza Z, Puoane T and Steyn N.P.( 2019). Food sold by street-food vendors in Cape Town and surrounding areas: a focus on food and nutrition knowledge as well as practices related to food preparation of street-food vendors. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 14(3), pp.401-415.
Horwood C, Haskins L, Goga A, Doherty T, John V, Engebretsen I.M, Feucht U, Rollins N, Kroon M, Sanders D and Tylleskar T. (2019). An educational intervention to update health workers about HIV and infant feeding. Maternal & Child Nutrition, p.e12922.
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Policy Briefs
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Newspaper articles/blogs/podcasts
George A. (2019). When Gender Bias Creates Unequal Health Systems, Opinion Has It, Project Syndicate, 12 August 2019.
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Schneider, H. The unfinished agenda in community health: the design, governance and quality of CHW programs (webinar), Community Health Community of Practice, 7 May 2019